Chapter 6

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It was a hasty decision and Percy hadn't really thought through how it would work, but he managed to convince the girl to come with him. Not as a prisoner-he would never even consider it-but as a friend.

It had taken quite a bit of convincing before she agreed, but that was to be expected. He'd been part of the team that had attacked and destroyed her home. If the roles had been reversed, Percy was pretty sure he'd have said no and never thought twice. He had a sinking suspicion that she didn't have either a family or a home anymore though, so when he offered her a room and a job in the palace, she'd hesitantly agreed.

As Percy returned to camp with the girl-Annabeth, she'd said her name was-at his side though, he realised just how little he'd thought this through.

"Bring us a spoil of war, have you?"

Some of the troops snickered and taunted her, but Annabeth held her head high and stayed at his side. He took her straight to the centre of the camp where his tent had been pitched and although he knew it would only lead to more taunting, he led her inside. She hesitated just outside, but Percy nodded in reassurance and she ducked inside.

"You'll be safe in here," he promised, poking his head through the flap. "No one will bother you and I'll return shortly, alright?"

Annabeth nodded and took a seat on a pile of blankets. It was cold out and the sun had yet to rise, but she didn't lie down or wrap a blanket around her shoulders.

Percy made sure she was comfortable before backing up out of his tent and turning to face the camp. Some of the troops were staring, but most of them had attempted to redirect their attention. With a pit in his stomach, Percy realised that only half the troops had returned.

"Where are the others?" he asked, turning to the nearest soldier.

"Some are still in the city," he answered. He shifted uncomfortably and added, "Others are in their tents."

"Are they sleeping then?" Percy demanded. "Or are you going to tell me no one took prisoners?"

The soldier didn't answer, but that was enough for Percy. Even with him leading their attack, his troops had still had the guts to take prisoners and hide them away in camp.

"Let them all free," Percy ordered. "I don't want to see a single prisoner by daybreak."

Without waiting to see if his order was heeded, Percy went in search of Jason.

He was sitting just outside of his tent and cleaning his sword when Percy stumbled upon his tent. At the sound of his approach, Jason set down his sword and looked up at him. Rather than smile or crack a joke, however, Jason frowned.

"You took a prisoner," he said.

Percy frowned. He'd only been at their camp for a few minutes. Rumours didn't fly that quickly and Jason certainly made a point of not listening to them either way.

Instead of asking how Jason already knew about her though, Percy said, "Annabeth isn't a prisoner. She came willingly."

"But you did bring her back."

Jason nodded behind Percy and he turned. As he looked up, he realised Jason had a perfect view of his tent. He hadn't heard rumours. He'd seen Percy bring her back with his own eyes.

"She would have been alone," Percy defended. It was a poor excuse given the fact that Annabeth was old enough to marry, but it was the best excuse he had. "I offered her a room in the palace and a job."

"You're already attached to her then," Jason said. On this, Percy didn't argue. "You shouldn't have brought her."

"She's safer in my tent than on the streets."

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