Chapter 24: Reception

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Before going to the reception out at the hunting tavern we took pictures out in the woods where the wedding ceremony was held. We probably took at least forty-five pictures and possibly even more at the reception. Carter and I went over to the stables to get our horses to ride to the tavern. "Keep up pretty boy!" I said getting ready to make my horse run. "First one to the tavern wins!" Carter said back to me getting on his horse. We rode for like ten minutes until we got to the tavern but, my butt got numb and was getting tired all ready. "I WIN!" I yelled getting off the horse. Carter finally got caught up with me and jumped off the horse. "You ain't gonna wait up for me?!" Carter said trying to catch up to me. I turned around smiling at him the , stopped walking farther away from him then said "hey, these boots" I pointed down to my boots then said "we're made for walking and that's what I'm doing." Carter just smiled at me then, put his arm around me with a firm grip on me. I put my arm around him too and leaned my head on his chest as we walked through the doors of the tavern to see everyone that went to the reception. I took my seat at the table that was set up for our wedding party (the group with the groom and etc). "Can I please get the father of the bride and the bride out on the dance floor please for the father-daughter dance please?" The deejay said. One of my favorite songs came on by Rascal Flats as my dad took my hand and led me to the dance floor "My Wish". We danced through that whole song until Carter came and got me for our first dance as husband and wife. But, before my dad let go of me my dad said to Carter "take care of her" with that Carter nodded ok and my dad kissed me on the cheek and went to where Carters parents were sitting. "Okay then I don't even have to call up Carter for the next dance cause he already on the dance floor. Let's get the music rolling then!" I smiled as I recognized the beat of the song it was by Rascal Flats again "Bless the Broke Road". Carter put one hand on my waist and then the other with locked his hand with mine. With the hand that was free of Carter I wrapped it around his neck feeling safe and secure. "Astrid, your safe you don't have to kill my neck like someone's going to try to kill you." Carter said smiling. I smiled a little with my head on his chest then, said "I know your kind of like my security blanket though. A tall one at that!" I said looking up into those big sea blue eyes he has. He smiled down at me and I smiled back.
Still on Astrids' POV
Ugh I'm so ready for tonight and I'm really hungry I want cake! "Imma gonna say it's CAKE TIME!" After I said that everyone gathered around my big three layered wedding cake. On one side of the cake it was a white regular wedding cake and on the other side bottom layer was covered in the flash logo, middle layer spider-man, and top layer batman. Bottom layer is vanilla, middle red velvet, and top layer strawberry! I cut the a piece of the top layer and Carter cut a piece of the bottom layer off. We initially planned on feeding each other a piece of cake that we cut of but, instead I started to feed Carter the strawberry cake but pulled it away from him and ate it. I laughed a little at the look on his face and saw the whip cream on the table where the cake was, took a spoon put some whip cream on the spoon and finally smothered his face with it. It was time to throw my bouquet backwards and the song "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)" by Beyoncé turned on. I threw the bouquet and to my surprise my bridesmaid Courtney caught it. She looked over at her boyfriend Simon and gave him the look that is really flirtatious. A couple more hours had passed and it was two in the morning. "We got a plane to catch in four hours we better go finish packing" Carter said putting his hands on my shoulders. I nodded my head okay and went to pack all of my stuff and got some rest before we left.

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