Chapter 21: The Butthole Talks

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"Astrid congratulations!" Jack said looking at me. I turned to him and said "thanks" and turned back to Carter. "Your a lucky guy Carter." Jack said with his eyes on me then, Carter and back at me. "I know I'm just happy. She said yes!" Carter said putting his arm around me and pulling me close to him. I put my arm around him and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Hey we better get going your parents want us to go meet them by four. To talk to us." I nodded my head okay and followed Carter out the door and went to the parking lot to find my parents at my Aunt Susan's truck. All of them were there heck they were all smiling at us. After we got to the truck I said "you all knew about this didn't you." They all shook their heads yes and then Carter said "there's more too. Okay guys you can come out now!" After Carter said that Cameron, Kyle, and my other friends came out of their cars all smiling. "You guys knew too." Once again they were all smiling shaking their heads yes. I ran up to Cameron and gave her a big hug. "Wait a second Cameron, Kyle and my old high school and middle school gang... Carter you did not!" I said smiling like crazy. He looked at me with a smile and said "I did. Anything for my girl. Plus, I told you last night it was gonna be a big day didn't I?" I nodded my head yeah because he did say that.
Jacks' POV
"I shouldn't have done that to Astrid last time I saw her. That should've been me asking her that question!" I said regretting everything. Lucas just smiled at knowing how mad I was. Then, Lucas said "I'm surprised that Carter doesn't have that one girl that he was kissing that night I was there to find you blood suckers. Man she was hot!" I looked over at him like what was he talking about and then I remember that when Carter went to get Henry and I he was saying how good Crystal (Astrid) could fight. "Yeah ugh Lucas that was Astrid she can shapeshift." I said laughing my butt off at him. "She's still on my mind ya know. She's was a fricken exploding firecracker when I said that I would want her in my pack her exact words were. Hold on let me think" he put his hand on his chin then said " "Oh ELL NO... AIN'T NO WAY BOY O! I AM CARTER'S CHICK NOT YOURS!" Yeah that's what she said and dang was she good at playing the part and hiding her scent!" I walked quickly up to Lucas and pinned him against the wall wanting to punch him so bad. Then, said "you are a perv! You just want a girl to do as you please and when you want. Astrid isn't like that so stand down she'll never be yours!" Lucas just smiled and said "your right about the first part but, not only will I never have her but you shall never have her too. She's Carters' girl now and forever deal with it! I could've told you that when I first met her I could tell that you or Henry you guys were never her soul mate! She didn't tell you either but, she had a soul mate before you ever met her it was Carter all along. They both kissed during a blue moon and she has tons of abilities that you don't even know about!"
Astrids' POV
We've been at the beach since five and been beating the crap out of the guys at volleyball with my girls. "Okay guys I gotta take a break for a while." I said and walked over to the cooler and grabbed a Pepsi. "You okay Astrid... Your acting a little weird." Jack said walking up behind me. "Yeah I'm fine. Just tired that's it." I said turning around. I looked down at my phone to check the time and it read "nine thirty". Carter put his hands on my waist and said "there's more to it Astrid I can tell by the look on your face you can tell me." I tried to pull away from him but, he pulled me closer to him. Then, I tried to look away from him and he turned my chin so I would face him. Finally, I just said "seeing Jack and Henry today made me so angry but, ugh..." I finally pulled away from him walked towards the ocean and said "on all of the days that they could've reappeared back into my life... It just had to be this day...!" I turned to see Carter smiling at me at how frustrated I was. Then he said "it's not your fault. We just ran into them and then basically they followed us everywhere we went..." He walked up to me and finished his sentence saying "but that didn't ruin our day. Because now we got planning to do and that just means more us time." After that he lifted my chin up to him and kissed me under the moon and stars as if it were some fairy tale.
3 days after that we left and went back up home.

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