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Two days have passed and so far this week has been pretty sucky to be honest. My cousin Sapphire keeps on hitting on Carter and thank goodness he's committed to me and not anything else. And then, we go my cousin Scott that keeps on p***ing me off since I got there. Tomorrow we all go to Disney World for six hours then, we hit the beach. Carter said that he use to go the beach when he had something to think about and went surfing so he's gonna be teaching me to surf tomorrow and I'm probably going to fail knowing me.

Carters' POV

Tomorrow needs to hurry up... I can't wait. Astrid hasn't been herself since we've been here. She has her Mrs.Susan that won't talk to her, her cousin Sapphire that's hitting on me, and her other cousin Scott that won't stop criticizing her what so ever. Her Uncle Joe is talking to her however but, Mr. Joe and Astrid don't really have the much in common. I just wish I could turn the clock forward to tomorrow. It's 12 pm here in Orlando and Astrid isn't asleep yet. She's talking to her friend Cameron that's going to be hanging out with us tomorrow after we get done at Disney World... well that's the plan but, I got other plans. I'm flying some of Astrid's closest friends down here for something big for our anniversary. I walked into the room where Astrid and I have been sleeping for the past two days. I came up beside Astrid and put my hands on her shoulder moving my hands up and down her arms. "What you doing?" I asked her as she was searching something online. "I'm looking at dresses. When I get bored or anything I do this" Astrid said looking up at me. She closed the laptop got up and put the laptop on the charger. Astrid then, slid underneath the covers and fell asleep. As for me I went over to my side of the bed opened up the drawer and opened up the little secret box thing built into the drawer. I grabbed the box and opened it up to see the ring I had picked out for Astrids' anniversary gift. And next to it grabbed another box and opened it. I grabbed the necklace that read the words "His Always" and the other saying "Hers forever". I heard a knock on the door and hurried up and put the covers back on the boxes and closed the drawer and the secret drawer. I got up and opened the door to see Mr. Rivers standing at the door. "Carter can I have a word with you?" I nodded my head then walked outside with him to the porch.

Astrids' POV

I woke up to Carter out of bed and on the laptop. "Morning weirdo" I said walking over to the closet in my care-bear pajamas and blue tank top. "Sleep okay? Hope you are because we are going to have a big day today." He smiled looking over at me. I threw a pillow from the closet at him but, he caught it. "Really?" he said. I smiled at him innocently and said "what stop staring at me like a perv werido." He shook his head with a smile on his face and turned around to face his computer again. I walked into the closet to pick out what I was going to wear when my phone started to ring. "Carter can you answer my phone please?!" I said yelling because I didn't know if Carter could hear me from inside the closet. I grabbed a white and black flannel shirt and put it on with my black shorts. I saw Carter through the crack of the door and saw his face turning red. I walked up next to him and asked him saying "Is everything okay? Who was it?" He turned to me and said "yeah everything's fine. It was nobody." He turned to me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "Are you sure you seem tense." I said looking up at him and he looked down at me directly down into my eyes. "Yeah everything is fine. Lets get dressed and head down stairs." I nodded okay and then walked over to the closet grabbed my black beanie and my black converse. Then, I put the beanie and converse on and checked my phone to see what that number was that called. I didn't know the number but, the way Carter looked I could tell I didn't want to know. My phone lit up with a text message from Cameron and it read "Have a awesome day and see you soon!" I can't wait for today finally I'll get some alone time with Carter and my friends today after Disney World.

"TIME TO GO!" my dad yelled from down stairs to anyone that was upstairs. I put my phone in my purse with my wallet and grabbed my sunglasses. I put the sunglasses on my head to hold my hair back out of my face and climbed into the back of the truck (where the tail gate is) and sat next to Carter with his arm around my waist. We finally arrived at Disney World and I jumped off of the tail gate and onto the ground. Carter grabbed my hand and we walked to "Big Thunder Mountain Rail Road" and that's when I smelt the scents again. "I smell that scent again Carter!" I said wanting to leave that direction but, we were already standing in line and I noticed a pack of big butt holed heartless people. And by "big butt holed heartless people" I mean Jack, Henry, Lucas and other vamps and werewolves that either want to kill me or don't like me and other things. Henry apparently noticed me and that's when I saw that they weren't a couple of feet away from Carter and I... oh no they were right behind us! JOY TO THE WORLD! Just what I needed the people that I didn't want to see right now or ever. "Astrid your looking good" Henry said looking at me up and down. I glared at him and said "stop looking at me from head to toe perv. I have a boyfriend!" I said taking hold of Carters' hand. Henry backed up a little and that's when Jack turned around. "Hey Astrid. How have you been?" he said looking at me dead in the eye. I looked away from him and said "I've been fine. Until well now." Jack looked guilty and he had every right to be guilt and sad at himself after what he did. Then, he said "look I know your mad at what happend a year ago and I'm sorry." I didn't answer him back after that. The people on the ride before the twenty to thirty people got off and we got on. Carter and I walked to the front of the ride and sat down. I held onto Carter knowing that I was going to scream my head off after this ride starts even though I'm the one that picked it out.  We rode that ride like five times before I wanted to go to a different ride and each time we got on the ride Jack and everyone he was with kept on getting on that ride with us. Dang can I not have a day with Carter for just once without people that I don't like or people that hate me! At noon I got hungry and we walked over to the "50s' Time Prime Cafe".

Carters' POV

Now's my chance we're finally alone. I got grabbed the necklace box out of my pant pocket and handed it to Astrid. She took it smiling and said "I love it Carter! Wait isn't there supposed to be another one?" I nodded my head yes and showed her the one on my key chain. It was next to the heart piece that Astrid gave me for my birthday a couple months back. Then, I said "Astrid, we've known each other for a long time now and I think about you every single day of my life. When I open my eyes and close them." Astrid then, said "Carter what are you trying to say?" she said smiling at me. "I'm trying to say Astrid I want to spend the rest of my life with you! I want to be able to know that you are mine no matter what the cause. I love you Astrid and well..." I got down on one knee and pulled out the ring and continued my sentence saying "Astrid will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" And that is when I saw Jack and them walk into the Cafe.

Astrids' POV

"Yes...Yes... A MILLION TIMES YES!" I said to Carter as he stood up to put the ring on my finger. I stood up and kissed him on the lips wrapping my arms around him.

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