Chapter 11: Grandparents and the Note

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It's four o'clock in the morning and I'm almost to my MawMaw Roses' house. I finally got there at five thirty o'clock. I called my grandma a couple hours before that way she could get the dogs back so they wouldn't trip me because each time I come over Marmaduke the omega boxer dog of the pack always ends up tripping me. I walked through the door to find my grandma lying on the couch and grandpa Trev in his bedroom asleep with the Crimson Tide game football game on. But, I couldn't find the dogs. I went to the bedroom where I usually sleep because the couch is to hard on back. The weird thing was that the gate was up and the door was closed. "Ahhhhhhhh" the dogs were in there. And guess what instead of tripping I feel backwards with a big ninety-five pound boxed dog on top of me licking my face. Thank god though my scream woke my grandma and grandpa up otherwise I would never have gotten Marmaduke off of me.

Meanwhile back at the secret house...
"JACK WAKE UP! ASTRID IS GONE... SHE LEFT THIS MORNING!" Henry yelled. Jack cam running into the kitchen then grabbed the note which read "Dear Jack and Henry, I got to get away and be myself. Y'all are getting to much pressure into my head each night you two are always arguing over who is going to be with me for eternity now and I can't handle that anymore it's getting old. So I'm going to a place where no one will find me unless you know my family or are apart of my family. Maybe one day I will be able to take this better but for now I have to go and clear my head. Jack if I come back in a few day and Henry's head is ripped off I will never hang out with you again. Henry if Jacks' head is ripped off or you put him in your dungeon and I find out you have been torturing him I will see to it personally I will grab my gun and shoot you with it, then I will tie you to a electric chair and leave you with that thing shocking you. And finally will rip your head off! So you two better not do any of those things otherwise we will never know who i am meant to be with. I love you both dearly, Astrid 💗"
Jack and Henry looked at each other like they are not going to do any of those things now because they were both thinking that for the longest time. And that's why I put that on the not because I knew if I was gone one of them would do that so I put the conditions on the note. I knew that if I said I would never talk to Jack ever again if he ripped off Henry's head he wouldn't think about it and so that would have my best friend and my sensible boyfriend back. Then, Henry I know he wants to find out who I'm meant to be with so that made sense to put all of that torturing stuff I the note. "Sooo... I have a feeling that Astrid knew we would both murder each other when she leaves. She was right and you know Henry that you and I were thinking everything I this not!" Jack said putting down the note on the counter then said "lucky you I'm not going to rip your head off because Astrid is my everything and I'm not going to lose her!" Then Jack walked out of the room but before he could leave the room Henry said "yes I agree plus I don't want to get elegiac urged then my head ripped out so I'm not going to do any of that stuff to you Jack. Also do you want to track her?" Henry said smirking really wanting to track Astrid down. Jack smiled a little bit then said "we don't need to track her she took the truck, there tire tracks. Plus, I think I know where she went." Henry smile in relief then said "let's go find Astrid then!" Jack nodded his head okay then Jack and Henry started running to where Jack thinks Astrid is.

Back where Astrid is...
"Marmaduke! Get off of Astrid now!"
My grandpa Trev yelled then leaned down and picked Marmaduke up. Rose helped me up then said "are you okay Astrid?!" She said all worried. I smiled a little then said "yeah, I'm fine I guess I should've woke you up before I opened that door." My grandpa put Marmaduke in the room then said "I'm so glad you came! We've been missing you!" He said walking over to grandma Rose. I smile then said "I'm happy you guys said it was okay for me to come over. If it's okay with you guys I think I'm going to go lay down on the couch." After that I fell asleep in a deep sleep.

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