Bohemian Rhapsody

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Hey guys, sorry for the late update, but I'll try my best to post faster or earlier. Btw I'm working on an original short story. I'm thinking of maybe even putting a poem or two on here. Anyways, onto the story. Listen to bohemian rhapsody by queen it should help with the story.

His initial thoughts were how good this felt. Dipper was plummeting to earth at great speeds with the wind howling in his ears. He had no parachute this time but he didn't care. He knew that he was going to wake up soon. So as he fell, Dipper closed his eyes and enjoyed the fall down.
The freedom that free falling presented to Dipper was amazing. He wanted to enjoy it as much as he could.
Dipper opened his eyes expecting to see his cell once more, but instead saw the ground. This vision that Bill was showing Dipper was taking forever. Suddenly Dipper realized that this wasn't another dream, this was real! He was actually going to hit the ground with full force.
His thoughts then became: Oh S***.

As Dipper fell all he could think of was: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Dipper flailed his arms around wildly but knew how hopeless it was to attempt flight just like that; without wings and all. Dipper realized that he was going to die. He closed his eyes right as the ground was about to smack him in the face.
Except, it didn't. Dipper opened his eyes and saw the ground inches from his face.
Dipper turned around and saw Bill Cypher at the window Dipper had jumped out of, with his arm extended. Dipper slowly started moving up.
'Oh no', thought Dipper, 'I was almost free? This escape was real?'
Dipper started to cry. Not because he could have escaped, but because this was his only escape: death. Four years of torture had taken its toll on Dipper, and now, he just couldn't take it anymore. Dipper's tears weren't tears of failure, they were tears of hopeless realization. Dipper surrendered to Bill.
'Wait,' thought Dipper, 'Why am I slowly going back down?'
Dipper turned back around and saw Bill gripping his "head". "Head" because Bill is nothing more than a triangle.
Dipper touched the ground.
Dipper... touched the ground.
"I...," said Dipper, "I'm touching the ground? I'm touching the ground!"
Dipper quickly got up and his tears of sorrow became tears of joy. Dipper enjoyed this moment for about ten seconds, then immediately began to run, because the second he opened his eyes, he saw a giant water tower thing running towards him, it's mouth opened and ready to eat.
He ran and reached the outskirts of the town of Gravity Falls. He quickly jumped into a nearby car, and attempted to hot wire the thing.
"Damn!" Exclaimed Dipper, "If only I had Wendy here!"
Suddenly, Dipper heard an explosion. He looked outside of the car and saw the giant water tower falling down, and a hooded figure running towards him. He would have stopped what he was doing and thank the stranger, until he saw the gun.
Dipper desperately tried to turn the thing on but wasn't able to in time. The hooded figure approached him and aimed the gun at his head.
"Get out of my car," the figure said.
Dipper was about to reply when lightning and thunder shook the world. They looked at Bill's castle and saw more lightning than usual coming out of it.
The car purred to life.
"Get in my car!" Shouted Dipper. The hooded stranger looked at him seemed a little bothered, until Dipper pointed to castle.
Out of the castle was coming a huge cloud of smoke. Except, it wasn't smoke. It was some weird eyeball bat creatures that turned people to stone.
The hooded figure didn't argue and quickly got in the car.
Dipper hit the gas.
The eyeballs were gaining on them.
"Hey!" Shouted the hood, "Those peepers are getting closer!"
The voice of the hooded person was surprisingly feminine and familiar. But Dipper didn't have time for this. He had to lose the peepers.
"I have an idea!" Shouted the hooded girl.
She rolled down the window and fired her gun at the peepers. Dropping them out of the sky if they got too close. She pulled out a grenade she had tucked under her cloak and threw it at them. It exploded in midair incinerating a few peepers in the process. Her hood came off because of the intense heatwave the exploding bomb and peepers let off.
Her blonde hair was revealed, all tightly held back in a ponytail.
Pacifica Elise Northwest got back in the car and said, "That should buy us some time."
She then noticed in what direction her crazy captor was driving, he was headed for a cliff!
"We're not going to make it!" Pacifica shouted.
"If a teenage friend of mine can make it with total lack of driving lessons and experience can make it, so can I!" He shouted.
Dipper put the car in the highest gear possible on the car and punched it. Pacifica screamed and closed her eyes.
They went flying over the cliff. For a moment they felt weightless, then the car hit the ground on the other side. He shouted for joy, as did she. He quickly drove into the woods and braked.
Dipper got out of the car. Pacifica held onto the car like it was still moving. After getting oriented, she too stepped out of the car. They looked at each other, about to thank one another for all the help, until they realized who they were.
Dipper was so surprised, he didn't even know what to say. They stood in awkward silence, until Pacifica said, ""
Dipper was about to say something but when he opened his mouth, his body seemed to realize that this was Pacifica. His body felt the shock his heart went through and it proved too much. So instead of saying something like "Hi", his adrenaline rush immediately disappeared and Dipper, gracefully, fell over, and passed out.....

That's it for today. Hope you enjoyed it.

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