I GOT TAGGED!!!!!!!!

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I'm literally dying right now because I got tagged in CaptainMercy 's chapter!!!! She left some questions and...yeah. Ok, calm down. BUT I CAN'T CLAM DOWN!!! Lol that says clam, but I'm leaving it. Anyway, I have no other book on this username so I have to do it here where like no one will see it so, *sigh*. But I can't do it on my other username-channel-thing because that's not even skylumos13565. Ok, I think I'm ready to get started.

1) You have to post the rules
2) You have to tag 13 people
3) You can tag back
4) You have to post 13 facts about yourself
5) You have to answer 13 questions from the person who tagged you
6) 'I don't like tags' is not an acceptable answer
7) You will be reminded in a week if you forget

Okay! On with the facts!

1) My real name's Aminah, but no one calls me that. I have about a million nicknames but the most popular are Mia, Mina, and MEEEEYAHH!

2) I play soccer, competitive sleeping, and 'Who's The Biggest Potterhead?'. For WTBP you just have someone read out Harry Potter questions and the first person to smack a Daniel Radcliffe picture gets to answer first. If they get it right, they get 1 point, but if they get it wrong, the other person can guess for 2 points. It's so much fun!

3) This is more of a story but...
On New Years Eve I went to my friend's house to celebrate. While her twin brother was partying it up with his friends, we locked ourself's in her room and searched 'Harry Potter Quiz' on Google. We took every quiz we could before midnight and I'm very proud to say we finished 3 1/2 pages!

CAUTION- The rest will be extremely boring because that's literally my life!

4) I'm a Pisces, along with Justin Bieber, Rihanna, and many more. My birthday is February 26.

Ugh, 8 more facts? I feel like I've already told my life story! Oh well...

5) I'm currently sick, but that means more days in bed and more sleeping and more Wattpad! Yay!!

6) My favorite things (in no particular order) are:
Warm Paper (like out of a printer)
Harry Potter
The Dull Sound A Pencil Sharpener Makes
My Glasses (I'm as blind as Harry Potter without them)
Doctor Who
Books, Like Ones That Are Actually There And You Get To Turn The Pages

7) In case you haven't noticed, I absolutely-positively-without a doubt-LOVE HARRY POTTER!

8) I'm a Ravenclaw, and I frankly still don't get why the symbol is an eagle and not a raven but *shrugs*

9) My OTP's are:

10) My favorite color is heliotrope. It's a light shade of purple and a flower. (See picture above)

11) My lucky number is 7, because that's the most magical number.

12) I'm going to Hawaii in August so...yep...:/

13) I siriusly like Harry Potter puns.

Wow! Took me about only 30 minutes! My poor thumbs are exhausted! Now for the questions!

1) How's you doin?

A) I'm sick, so not the best but at least I don't have to fight my brothers for my food. Oh, and also freaking out that one of my favorite Wattpad writers tagged me! And today's Valentines Day, so I'm up in my room, making no noise and pretending that I don't exist. (At least when I post this it'll be V-Day and I know that's what I'll be doing.)

2) Favorite movie?

A) Harry Potter (no surprise) and the Deathly Hallows II. I had managed not to cry until Fred...too soon? Yeah, same for me. By the way, do you here that running water? That's my tears. Next question, please.

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