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phil's pov

you'd imagine that being an adult was fun. you get to be free and do whatever you want, right? ha, you are completely wrong. being an adult is utter hell. especially if you have a job/profession that doesn't pay anything. artists make like no money whatsoever so i have to work at a grocery store in order to have enough money to pay my apartment bills.

i love painting and drawing so much. its the only thing i've ever really been good at honestly. i was awful in every subject in school. except art class of course. but art class doesn't even matter in school. only main courses matter.

i'm phillip lester, twenty-one years old, living in london. i live the average life of a twenty-one year old man. working, paying bills, and searching for a soulmate. i haven't had too many girlfriends in my time. the last time i had one was probably when i was fifteen. its kind of lonely nowadays but i make due.

my best friends name is pj. he is adorable and such a sweet guy. we both go to an art school and met a couple years ago. we don't see each other very much though. we rarely ever interact actually. we only text on the weekends when we don't go to art class.

you know how i mentioned i'm trying to find a soulmate? yeah, i've been in search of one for awhile. gender doesn't matter to me nor looks. i've spent a few years here at the art school but never found anyone worthy of being my partner.

well i mean, that was until i met dan howell.

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