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phil's pov

i feel like an absolute loser sitting alone at night on a bench in front of an art institute. that makes me a loser waiting for another loser. speaking of dan, where was he anyways? he promised he would be here. did i really get stood up? oh okay wow.

to "dan the gamer boy"
are you still coming? im actually kind of scared. its lonely and kind of cold. i also think its going to rain

from "dan the gamer boy"
philly child i'm literally like a couple feet away. just be patient. wait now this is going to be awkward. how do we transition from texting to talking? UGH PHIL WHY

i hear the lame giraffe groan loudly behind me. he doesn't see me staring and continues to angrily text. god, dan was adorable.

"dan! c'mere!" i call out to him. he looks up from his phone with a giant smile spread across his cheeks. dan comes over quickly, clearly trying not run. i pat the seat beside me.

"phil my boy. long time no see. whats your plan?"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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