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dan's pov

i have never regreted something so much. why the fuck would i ask phil that? of course he doesn't. no one loves me. especially not phil lester. we had only met a few days ago and i had already asked him if he loved me. what a fucking dork.

i kept coming back to his messages and cringing at the "read at 9:03 pm". he didn't want to respond. he knew he would hurt my feelings. god, this is why i don't have friends. i ruin everything.

to "phil the artisan"
i want to apologize for saying that. it was stupid of me. yeah im sorry phil. whatever anyways bye. didn't meant to put you in that situation

phil doesn't read it this time. i'm starting to feel very worthless. i just want to talk to phil. i just want to spend time with him and be happy. but i make dumb mistakes like these all the time.

from "phil the artisan"
um yeah its okay. i just yeah. would you want to hang out? not have me paint you but just hang out?

to "phil the artisan"
of course! i would love that so much. im feeling very sad right now. where and when? thanks phil

from "phil the artisan"
go to the art center. we'll talk from there. see you soon danny boy.

i let out a few screams of joy and grab my shoes. this was really happening. and i don't know how to feel about it

paint me purple : phanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant