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phil's pov

dan is adorable. he is so shy and is always covering his hands with little sweater paws. i decided he would be a perfect boy to paint. i didn't know much about him so it would be easy to ask questions while painting him. i wouldn't want him to get bored. also if he ended up hating the painting and getting offended i wouldn't really be effected if he never spoke to me again.

"p-phil, i think i need to get home. uh yeah. m'sorry." i roll my eyes at him. he attempts to run away but i catch his arm in time.

"dan, don't go. i just want to paint a picture of you. don't freak out okay?"

"i-i u-uh, o-okay." i drag him to my work station giving pj a big thumbs up. he furrows his eyebrows and shrugs. he was jealous that i had a hot guy to paint.

"pose however you feel comfortable. i'm going to ask you questions that way this won't be awkward. got it dan? just try not to move. dan takes a seat on the stool and gives a cute smile and sticks a peace sign up. i giggle at his adorableness.

"is t-this okay? i c-can m-move if you'd l-like."

"its wonderful. first question, full name?"

"daniel james howell. but i prefer being called dan. what about you?" dan's smile gets much wider after that. he must've been happy that he didn't stutter.

"philip michael lester. i like being called phil. you can ask the question now." i ignore what he is doing and begin to mix white and tan to match his perfect pale skin. i can't quite get it pale enough to match his skin. i feel myself getting angry.

"how old are you, phil?" i set my paintbrush down and take a deep breath. i have a problem with anger. i get flustered easily.

"i'm twenty-one years old." i notice dan's arm slowly drooping down and i let out a tiny laugh. his face scrunches up in pain.

"im-twenty-now-can-i-please-put-my-arm-down?" he breathes out the sentence fast. dan doesn't even wait for my answer and lets his arm fall. he is twenty! maybe he's bisexual or gay? not that i like him or anything.

"what's your profession?" his brown eyes roll. he makes an annoyed whine.

"i don't have one. i do work at hot topic though. like i said, i like video games. you can clearly tell why i'm single." dan's cheeks turn red and he nervously laughs. i smile. dan's single and so am i. maybe this could go somehwere?

"well I'm obviously an artist. i don't really care for hot topic's clothing but i would love to stop by sometime and say hello. i'm actually quite shocked that a cute boy like you wouldn't have a lover. you seem so sweet." i try not to look at him, realising how gay that sounded. i didn't even know if this boy liked other boys and here i was just throwing gayness at him.

"w-well-uh. thanks phil. i don't get out much so i never meet anyone. there's an occasional guy that sparks my interest every once and awhile but i'm much to shy to talk to them." i feel myself smiling widely while painting smooth strokes. dan is gay, how perfect! i stop painting momentarily to peek out from behind the canvas and look at the beautiful guy in front of me.

"you are beautiful, honestly. i don't mean to be creepy, but i just can't help it. i don't know if i'm a good enough atrisan to paint you." dan starts to blush terribly and he quickly covers his face in sweater paws. i giggle at his cuteness.

"p-phil, s-stop it. j-just paint me a-already."

"no problem, danny."

paint me purple : phanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant