Chapter 6: Reporting for Duty.

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Niall: The next day Maggie left in huff for work. "Do I have to go?" Maggie asked, kissing me.

"No," I whispered, "You could call in sick. But don't worry, I'd cover for you."

"Haha," Maggie sighed, "I guess I really should. It might be a little late to start casting again."

"Why'd you ask what I thought if you weren't going to go with it?" I joked with mock hurt. Maggie rolled her eyes and kissed me one more time before leaving.

Maggie: I hated to idea of working today. So I showed up early so I could stay holed up in my trailer, working on lines.

"Maybe I loved him, maybe I didn't, but that's not the point," my character, Cynthia, said to her friend, "The point is I don't now and he wants me to." I was on Scene 3 already.

"Maybe that's a second chance," a male voice said. I looked up and stopped the scream that was tearing up my throat. Justin.

"You know its etiquette to knock and not just appear right?" I asked. Then I added, "Oh wait, you don't know etiquette."

"I know etiquette on how to treat a beautiful woman. Of course, no one wrote the book on how to treat the strikingly sexy Maggie Nelly," Justin said. I took a piece of paper and wrote "leave her alone" on it in big block letters.

"Now someone did," I said, slapping it against his chest as I left to go get makeup done.

"That's cold," Justin said, reading it and following me. 

"Its not a real turn on with you following me either," I said. 

"Oh, come on. You haven't given me a chance," Justin said. 

"I did. You lied and said you cheated on me with the girl you claimed you broke up with," I spouted. 

"Well, sorry. Maybe I changed," Justin said. 

"I'd love to see that," I said, stalking into the make up trailer and slamming the door so fast it shook the trailer.


"Come on," the girl who was acting as my best friend said, "It's going to be a great party."

"I don't know," I said, "I've never met Andrew." I was in character right now. Andrew was someone throwing a party appearently. 

"Come on," the actress said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me, "You are going to that party. Or so help me I will call Trace and tell him you refuse to move on."

"Hey, I've had three boyfriends since him," I whined. 

"He doesn't know that," she said. I rolled my eyes. 

"Perfect!" the director shouted. I smiled. 

"Thanks," I said. 

"So have you gotten over your little fit about Justin?" he asked. 

"I guess," I said. Thank God I was a good actress. 

"What was that about?" he asked. 

"Before he has just, um, acted unprofessionally with me before," I stated. 

"Have you worked with him before?" he asked. 

"Well, no," I said. 

"Well there's your problem," the director smiled. I gritted my teeth. 

"But sir-" I was cut off. 

"No buts. He blew us away. We can't have you being a little stink can we?" the director said. I huffed and stomped off. Not cool dude. Not cool.

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