Chapter 10: Leaving

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Maggie:   The next morning I awoke to a terrible realization; Niall left today. I didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't want Niall to leave. 

I rolled out of bed, looking over at Niall as I did. He was still asleep, his face that of an angel's. I smiled. Maybe I could hold him captive for the next few months until tour was over. Really Maggie I thought Nothing says "I'm a keeper" like holding your boyfriend hostage. I sighed. At least I could make him some breakfest. 

I walked into the kitchen and started making pancakes and mini donuts for the morning. I also pulled out all the overly sweet toppings we had. Chocolate frosting, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, M&Ms, (wait no. Put back the M&Ms. Those were mine), and a bunch of other things. Finally Niall came walking down the hall, groggy in his stride. He looked at my spread, eyes widening. "Woah. Were's your food?" he asked, laughing. 

"Ha ha," I said, laughing, "I just thought since today is the last day we'll be together for a while I would make something special." 

"Okay," Niall said, sitting down and grabbing a pancake. He dosed his with enough whipped cream to put France on hunger strike. I, on the other hand, layered mine with a layer of chocolate frosting, along with sprinkles, and a small dot of whipped cream in the middle of my pancake. Delish, and my desert Instagram (really exists: dessertlover22 check it out) worthy. I took a quick pic and then dug in. "So you're being 'that girl'?" Niall asked. 

"Yep," I said, popping the P, "But look at this thing." 

"If I look any longer its not going to be there," Niall said, laughing. I rolled my eyes and dug into my pancake. 


I was now showered and we were driving in my new car to the airport. It was virtually silent in the car. "I wish I didn't have to leave you here alone with Justin," Niall said, breaking the silence. I bit my lip to not let my crying escape. 

"I can take care of myself," I said, a lump forming in my throat. 

"I still don't like leaving you here like this," Niall said, looking out the window and not at me. 

"I know. But I'll be fine, so don't worry about it," I said. 

"I know I know. And most likely Justin will be screaming for his life by the end of filming. But I just get nervous. I never like leaving you. You know that," Niall said. I sighed. 

"Yeah. I don't like you leaving either. But its your job. I can't take that away from you," I said. 

"That's why I love you," Niall said, "Along with all those other reasons." 

I raised an eyebrow, "Other reasons?" 

"Yeah. The way you only take me seriously when I am to be. The way you'll watch football with me, even though I know you hate it-" Niall said. 

I interupted, "Unless its American football. I love that." 

"I love the way you understand me. The way you trust me. The way you know me inside and out. The way you shared in my excitement when I became an uncle. The way you think you have to do things for me, but just you breathing is all I need," Niall continued. I smiled, biting my lips. We pulled up at the terminal. Niall got out of the car and so did I. I kissed him. 

"I'll be here when you get back. And maybe, if I get my way, I'll also have Justin's head in a bag," I said. Niall laughed. 

"As long as its not one of those leather ones I got you. I know you use those all too often than is truely nessary so its probably better they don't stink," Niall said. I laughed, shoving him. 

"I love you," I said, kissing him. 

"I love you more," Niall said, "And always remember you're my special snowflake and I will always love you." 

"I will," I said, kissing him again, "And you are my special snowflake." 

"I know," he whispered. 

"Hey! Niall!" Liam said, walking up to Niall, "You coming?" 

"Yeah," Niall called. Then he kissed me one last time. 

"Kick Bieber's butt for me will you?" Niall asked. I laughed. 

"Top priorety," I laughed. Niall walked away from me a few steps before turning around and saluting. I saluted back and watched him disapear into the terminal, his band in tow. 

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