Chapter 7: Um, Seven Minds Are Better Than One?

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Maggie:   The next day was a day we weren't filming due to the rain. So I went with Niall to his interview. I walked into the dressing room behind Niall. "Maggie!" Louis said, with all sorts of enthusiasm. I smiled. 

"'Sup Louis," I said, smiling. 

"We've missed you," he said. That's when my legs were boobie trapped by a small black haired girl. 

"MAGGIE!" she screamed. I laughed. 

"Niki," I said, bending down to hug her. Then she detatched, running to her mommy. Jess, swept up Niki, smiling. 

"Hey, Mags," she said. 

"Hey," I said. I loved hanging out with the guys. They were all super nice. Jess took a while to warm up. She wasn't really one to get along with the female species. At least that's what Niall said. I smiled. 

"So are you staying for the interview," Harry asked. 

"Yeah. No filming today so I'm just hanging out," I said. 

"Sweet dude," Louis said, using almost my trademarked phrase. I called everyone dude. People teased me about it all the time. Oh well. 

"How's filming going?" Liam asked. 

"Awfull," I said. 

"Spill girl," Louis said in his "female" voice. 

"I have to play love intrest to Justin Bieber," I said, shuttering t the thought. 

"Sounds tragic," Harry said sarcasticly. 

"He and I kind of dated when a while ago. Then I found out he was still with Selena and totally feeding me crap. So I dumped him. But he's still a little stink who wants me back, and will stop at nothing to get what he wants," I said. 

"Niall, what the heck. Take out this dude. And then you could take his spot," Louis said, nudging Niall. Jess laughed. 

"What?" Louis asked. 

"Niall trying to take out someone. 'Hey, I'll hit you with my bag of Lays!'" Jess laughed. I laughed too. 

"Also, I don't act Louis. You know that," Niall said. 

"He's right. He does not act," I said. Jess laughed and agreed. 

"Okay, so just take out Justin," Louis said. 

"Yeah, cause that will help the stupid Fan To Friend act we have to do," Niall said. 

"He's got a point," Liam said. 

"Okay, Maggie, do you think you can suck it up. I mean, in the end you get to hasta lavista baby," Louis said. I laughed. 

"Maybe I'll end up taking him out for Niall," I said. Louis laughed. 

"That's the spirit," he said. 

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