A familiar stranger

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That Halloween night changed everything. Ferry could tell, although his friends tried to act as usual. None of them mentioned the encounter with the creature, that night. As if the very memory of it would have brought it back.

But no matter how hard they tried to pretend nothing happened, once the night settled, looking behind and throbbing at the smallest noise were saying differently.

 Ferry knew that all too well. If he was used to meeting strange beings, his friends were not. This time, however, even Ferry was troubled. That stranger, whoever or whatever it was, gave him the feeling that it wasn't the last time they would meet. Ferry's biggest burden was to see his friends worried and to know that that presence was still watching. Or worse, that it could hurt them only for being his friends. 

One morning, at the beginning of November, something happened; something that chased away any fears or worries. Winter came.

Ferry hated winter. He couldn't understand other children's joy of playing in the snow, having snowball fights, and building snowmen. That only meant getting your nose and cheeks frozen, even if bundled up from head to toe. The cold was getting through his clothes, and no matter how many sweaters he put on, the cold eventually reached to the bone.

His friends, however, could spend an entire day in the snow without complaining. Every morning, they greeted him with a shower of snowballs. Then, they had to follow a narrow path to school through the snowbanks; and their winter adventure continued on their way back home.

But not even the winter coming, with its frozen smile, could not take the memory of that night away. Soon, Matilda and Ben avoided staying outside when evening fell. From the first moments of darkness, they started running home.

Things were not great at school, either. For a while, Ferry could no longer draw those amazing things he once did,  nor could answer to Miss Summer's questions in class. He sat at his desk even during breaks when everybody else was outside, playing in the snow.

"Ferry, why don't you come outside?" he could hear a small voice beside him. It was May, with her small bonnet over her tresses and her gloves on. She was waiting for him.

"I'm a little cold," he said, faking a cough.

"You could need some fresh air," she said smiling the way only she could.

Ferry frowned, "Why don't you go with your friends, May?" he snapped at her. "Go and play with Billy Pride! I'm sure you have a lot in common. Now leave me alone!"

After a moment of astonishment, May ran out of the classroom with tears in her eyes. Ferry felt he was the worst being in the whole universe. But he had to do it. What if that presence was watching him that very moment? He couldn't put May in danger. Her, of all people.

In time, he turned into the grumpiest person. He pushed everyone away, even his friends. He didn't visit Ben anymore. He chased Matilda away each time she asked him to play together. He pretended he had to help his mother, or doing homework, or not feeling well.

"Listen, Ferry," Matilda questioned him one day, "I'm sick and tired of being pushed away. Can you tell me what's wrong?" she said in a harsh voice.

"Nothing's wrong..." he muttered.

"Oh, no, something IS going on. And you are going to tell me right now!"

"Or what? You're going to hurt me as you usually solve any of your problems?" he said, forcing a burst of laughter.

For a moment, Matilda was speechless. Enough for Ferry to tail off. He's always been a bit scared of Matilda and her temper.

"I'm not giving up that easily," he could hear her shouting behind him.

The Moonlight Boy | Ferry's Tale # 1Where stories live. Discover now