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Ferry decided to never take off his gloves again, unless necessary. At home, he didn't say anything about what happened a day before. He didn't want to upset his mother now when things were back to normal.

His raven was missing again. But Ferry knew that his raven was watching him from a place where no one, not even him, could see.

Christmas was almost near. A joyful frenzy gripped the whole town, growing with each passing day. Ferry loved the commotion of his town. The cold didn't bother him anymore ever since that day when he and May went sledding. That was when he discovered how wonderful winter could be.

For a while, Billy and Danny didn't trouble him. They avoided looking at him every time they met. But Ferry knew that wouldn't take long. And he also knew Billy found out about his weakness─ his fear of iron.

That Sunday morning, his mother was ready for the Christmas shopping. Ferry was accompanying her as usual. There were only a few days left until Christmas and the shopping list was rather long. Mrs. Donovan decided on making some stuffed turkey with potatoes and sweet corn and cranberry sauce, and also some jelly chicken, Mr. Donovan's favorite. Then, for dessert, she had decided on raisins and cheese pie, butter muffins, wild berries pie, and lettuce and apple salad, Ferry's favorites. The drinks were also homemade. Eileen was skilled in preparing chocolate liqueur and wine with cinnamon. Unlike other years, their neighbors, as well as Mr. Donovan's working mates and their families, were invited to the Christmas dinner, and they were to be spoiled by his mother's dainties.

After shopping, Mrs. Donovan decided it was the perfect time for a walk. The streets were full of people; the houses were decorated, and the people were happy. They passed by May's house and they saw her arranging some Christmas decorations in her parents' store window. The coronets were made from pine branches with scattered cranberry and mistletoe berries. At first, May didn't see them. But Ferry knocked on the window, and May raised her eyes and saw him. She looked happy to see him, small roses flourishing in her cheeks. She gave him a little wave and smiled. Mrs. Donovan also smiled, with tears in her eyes. Her boy was growing up...

They went to the central square, now full of peddlers and their stalls, of laughter, noise, and shouts. They could smell baked apples and roasted chestnuts, all sorts of pits and seeds while the gingerbread and the lollypops were hanging on red ropes in the upper part of the stalls. They were brightly colored. The stalls were packed with trays of all sorts, containing cakes, pies, tarts, and soufflés cut in small, delicious squares. Mrs. Donovan bought Ferry a sugar-coated apple. A hairy hand, the hairiest Ferry has ever seen, offered him the much-wanted treat. Ferry raised his eyes and met the vendor's eyes. He was stunned by his look. Under a funny bonnet, a hairy face was hiding which looked similar to the one of a... wolf. The odd man smiled from under his long, wiry mustache.

"Here you are, young master," he said.

"Have we met?" Ferry wondered.

"Well, you are famous where I come from, that's true," the salesman answered.

Ferry was about to ask for explanations, but Mrs. Donovan was not that curious. She paid for the apple, muttering, "Ferry, how many times have I asked you not to talk to strangers? It doesn't matter if he says he knows you. You DON'T talk to strangers! Am I clear?"

But not even the incident with the sweets' vendor could not spoil her good mood.

The next day, he went playing with Ben and Matilda. They decided to go to the bottom of the hill near the forest although they knew they weren't allowed. But the forest was calling them with silent voices. It had such a power over them, they couldn't resist.

The snow was perfect for playing. They built a snow fort and played the brave knights fighting the snow dragon. Then, they started a snowball fight. Ferry was happy he could play in the snow, just like the other children.

The Moonlight Boy | Ferry's Tale # 1Where stories live. Discover now