There's a shift in the air

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"I knew it! I knew Billy cheated at the bike race! I'm sure he used the feathers to win the race. I told you they were charmed," said Matilda jumping in one leg with excitement. They were heading towards the playground, followed by Sage. Or Shadow, as Matilda had named her so-called dog.

"Yeah, I think the same way," Ferry mumbled.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's tell everyone about him cheating. Where are the feathers? Can I see them?" she asked, her eyes glittering with curiosity.

Ferry wriggled, "Actually, no... I didn't take them..."

Matilda's good mood vanished "What?!! What do you mean? Why didn't you take them?!!"

"Because I'm not a thief, Matt! I might be anything, but not a thief. I would have been the main suspect if those feathers had gone. Besides, I made a deal with Billy ─ the feathers in return of not bothering Ben ever again. And so far, he kept his promise."

Matilda's face turned so red, Ferry thought smoke would come out her ears. "I can't believe you were so dumb!" she shouted. "How am I ever going to prove I won the race?"

"What else could I do, Matt? Billy would have eventually realized I took them. That's why I left the key there, too."

"YOU DID WHAT?" The redness in her cheeks went all the way up to her ears. "Now we'll never prove he cheated!"

Ferry didn't answer. It was better for him to stay quiet until Matilda calmed down.

"At least now we know that the veiled lady is a witch. How else would you explain her magical feathers? I don't even want to imagine what Billy could use those feathers for," she said after calming down. "By the way, did you finish your project?"

Ferry nodded.

"Really?" she said, a bit surprised. "And what is your project about?"

"Just wait and see," smiled Ferry, meaningfully.

Indeed, the next day, everybody was anxious to see which project was to win the prize. And because the weather was fine, Miss Summer decided to have the lessons in the schoolyard, under an old oak tree. Outside, the children were paying more attention, and the classes were suddenly more interesting under the protective shadow of the tree through the branches of which the sun was sneaking to play on their faces.

 Outside, the children were paying more attention, and the classes were suddenly more interesting under the protective shadow of the tree through the branches of which the sun was sneaking to play on their faces

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Miss Summer called each team to come in front of the class to present their project.

Matilda and Danny brought a pillow in which they stuck some sticks with fabrics on top representing trees of cotton candy and bushes of ice cream. Among the trees, there was a small bicycle made out of thin wires; that was Matilda's representation of summer.

Ben had barely convinced Cecilia to let him put his cardboard UFO on her board which represented the night, starry sky, with a full moon watching from above. To Cecilia, the summer meant warm nights when she could watch the sky for hours. And funny enough, watching the night sky was also Ben's favorite occupation.

The Moonlight Boy | Ferry's Tale # 1Where stories live. Discover now