Attention Y'all

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Ok so no fun story this time (sorry) but I do have a cool announcement! As you know, a couple chapters back in this boredom book, I asked for story ideas, now let me tell you why. I am going to be starting a Percabeth AU called "Catch Me"! Now, this book is going to be different, as you may have already realized as I don't usually announce new books in here until I've actually published a chapter, but okay this is why it's special. So, this book will be updated every 2 days. The day after a chapter is posted is writing day, and e day the chapter is posted is editing day. I hope that this plan will make a more interesting book for you to read, and a more interesting book for me to write. The first update will hopefully be on Tuesday, and continue out from there with an update every other day!

Annabeth and Piper's Boredom BookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin