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"No! That is so not true and you know it Lauren!"

Lauren Jauregui and Camila Cabello, aka the "it" couple. Well, that was until Camila and Shawn wrote the duet I Know What You Did Last Summer. Every since the song came out, Lauren became the "cheater of the century". On more than one occasion, both girls told their fans that neither of them have done such a thing, and in fact despised the concept of cheating. But nevertheless, 'fans' still pushed the fact that the song was indeed about Lauren.

Since the song was such a hit, both Shawn and Camila were invited to many interviews and even agreed to write more duets. And the worst part is, it wasn't even managements doing. Camila and Shawn success continued to grow, while their relationship started to plummet. In some eyes, Camila wasn't even a part of Fifth Harmony anymore. It was all about her songs with Shawn. We've been in the middle of stuff for Fifth Harmony and she would get a phone call and have to leave to go to him. She loves Camila, but now she isn't so sure if Camila loves her back anymore. 

"Camila, you and I both know that it is. You're never home anymore! When you're at home, you're either sleeping or avoiding me. When you're not home, you're with HIM!"

"He has a name, you know!" Her voice was laced with annoyance, dreading the fact that they're about to argue in front of the one person who was trying to save us.

"Alright, that's enough ladies," Their counselor, Bruce, interrupted. "Now, Mrs. Cabello, lets let Lauren speak about her side of the story, shall we?"


"Well Bruce, i'd be happy to. Lets start with when you went to Taylor Swifts concert, yeah?"

~Flashback; Lauren's P.O.V~

I had just gotten back home to the apartment that Camila and i live in. Since we're constantly travelling but always end up back in LA, we decided it'd be best if we just got an apartment to live in while we stayed in LA.

"Camila! I'm back!"


"Baby, are you here?"

Again, silence.

I was beyond confused. Camila said she would land before me and that'd she'd be home by the time I was. She landed at 5 pm and it's already 6:30 pm. Maybe her plane was delayed? I should probably call her.

I tapped her number into my phone and it up to my ear. I waited patiently for my girlfriend to reply, only to sent to voicemail after two rings. Growing worried, I dialed again. This time, an annoyed Camila picked up the phone.

"What, Lauren?" Her voice was nowhere near sincere, almost frustrated.

"Um, i was just seeing where you are.. You should've been home by now and I was worried-"

"I can do what I want, Lauren. I'm old enough to do as i want. I don't need you to babysit me" She interrupted me before I could finish my sentence.

"I know Camz, I was just worried about you. Okay? Sorry I even bothered looking for you."

"Whatever. I'm at Taylor's concert hanging out with Shawn. Happy? You know where i am so you can stop worrying. I don't know when i'll be home so don't even ask."

"O-okay," my lips quivered at her words. She has never talked to me like this before and its kind of upsetting. I have to idea what I did to make her angry. All I did was call her. Maybe something is going on that I don't know about?

"Yeah, whatever. Is that all you wanted?"

"I guess so... You seem upset so I'm just gonna hang up. I lo-" Before I could finish my sentence, she abruptly hung up. I sat there looking at my phone, not wanting to believe that she didn't give me a chance to say I love her. I doubt she would've said it back anyway.

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