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The first thing Lauren noticed when she woke up was that she still couldn't move. She knew she was in a hospital. She couldn't remember how or when she got there. She felt absolutely disgusting. She felt like layers of dirt were covering her. Wires were sticking out of her body and laying on top of her everywhere.

She looked up when she heard the door open. A girl dressed in blue scrubs walked through the door, not even noticing the girl struggling to sit up in her bed.

"Hello?" Lauren called out to what she assumbed to be the nurse. She was confused when the girl jumped and turned around quickly.

"Mrs. Jauregui, you're awake! Oh, this is great news. Let me go get the doctor. I'll also inform your family you're awake. Try not to move too much, okay?" The nurse practically sprinted out the door. Lauren was more than confused now. Why was she so surprised that she was awake?

Moments later, a tall man in a white lab coat strolled into the room. "Hello, Lauren. I'm Dr. Stern. How about you tell me how you're feeling?"

"Okay. It feels like I only slept for five minutes. I'm really sore. I can't feel the lower half of my body, but I presume thats cause I've been laying down for too long. Um, I'm confused about what happened after the accident, but I know it happened. I guess I've felt better, to be honest."

The doctor hummed at he checked Lauren's monitor. "Can you sit up?"

Lauren placed her lands on the bed and lifted herself up, but winced in pain when she pushed herself up. "No. It hurts."

"Okay, I'm going to increase the dosage of your pain medication. Now, can you move your legs even though you can't feel them?"

Lauren felt as if she was straining her legs, but they weren't moving. "No? Why can't I move my legs?" She began to panic. She frantically tried to move her legs, but it just wasn't working.

"Lauren, I need you to prepare yourself. When that car collided with you, it hit the drivers side of your car. When you became unconcious, you were put in a coma. You've been out for a month and a half. The crash resulted in a few broken bones which healed while you were out. Because of the damage done to your legs, they may permanently be immobile. There are surgeries that could try to fix your legs, but they're risky. You might end up losing your legs all together. Your family didn't want to do the surgeries until they got your input. This is a tough decision to make, but we need to know sooner rather than later. The longer we wait, the riskier they get."

Lauren let a tear fall down her cheek. She's paralyzed? Whats that going to do with Fifth Harmony? How is she doing to dance? How is she even going to perform?

"Um," she paused to wipe her tears and clear her throat. "I want to talk about it with someone first. Can I have a glass of water, please?"

"Of course." The man walked out of the room, leaving a confused and distraught Lauren alone. She melted into the uncomfortable bed and fell into a deep thought. She knew she had to talk to someone important, but she just couldn't put a face to it. Well, she should probably talk to her mom.

The doctor returned moments later with her water. Lauren chugged the liquid in a matter of seconds and handed the empty cup to the man to throw away. "Do I have any visitors?"

"Well, your parents were here earlier today, but they went home to get fixed up. They've visited you every day, along with a few other people. Your bandmates come when they can. Your fiancee also visits you almost everyday or when she can. They've been really worried about you. They're actually on their way at the moment," Dr. Stern responded to her with a smile. Lauren smiled lightly, but was flustered at the same time. Fiancee? Who was her fiancee?

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