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Walking into the once very familiar cafe caused a wave of nostalgia to crash into Lauren. She didn't realize how much she had missed the rusted out street signs and vintage tables of the place since she had been put into a girl group.

She visited every time she came to Miami, but that became less frequent since they had gotten bigger. Just like her visits to her old friend, Lucy Vives.

But here she is about to get coffee with her. Lauren is excited, yet strangely nervous. She hadn't seen Lucy in a while. The last time she talked to her is when the two had a slight altercation while Fifth Harmony was on tour for their freshman album.

~~~ Flashback ~~~

"Lauren, its four in the morning. What do you want?" 

"I just wanted to talk to you," Lauren responded softly. She missed her best friends. They didn't get to talk much because of the time zone differences, but she didn't like the tone in Lucy's voice.

"Oh, now you want to talk to me? After days of trying to get ahold of you, now you decide to respond?" 

"Luce, you know how busy my life is right now. It gets hard to talk to people sometimes.." 

"If you have enough time to post something on instagram, you have enough time to send me a simple text. Even if it was to just tell me you were busy and you'd talk to me later. That would've been much appreciated." 

Lauren sighed into the phone and rubbed her forehead. She hasn't gotten much sleep since they've been on the road. She was starting to get a headache and this dispute wasn't helping with that. "I'm sorry. You know I am." 

"Funny. You say it so much now that I don't even know the truth anymore." Lucy quickly responded. Sure she missed Lauren, but that didn't mean she wasn't hurt. 

"I get it, okay? This is just as hard for me as it is for you. This sucks, Luce. I miss you so much. I miss sitting with you and talking about everything and anything while staring at the stars. I miss getting high as a fucking kite with you and literally laughing about everything. I just simply miss you. I miss my best friend." 

"But you're still with her, aren't you?"

Lauren shook her head and checked to see if the shower was still running. She didn't want Camila to find out she was talking to the brunette she despised the most. "Yes, I am." 

It was Lucy's turn to breathe deeply into the reciever. After about a minute of silence, she finally spoke up. "Its early. I'm going back to bed. Goodbye, Lauren." 

"Lucy wa-" Lauren was cut off as Lucy ended the call. That was the last time Lauren talked to Lucy.

~~~ Flashback over ~~~ 

Until now.

Lauren walked over to the table where her old best friend was seated. She was mindlessly going through her phone so she didn't even notice the singer walking up to her table. 

"Hey," Lauren said as she walked up to her. 

Lucy's head shot up at her voice. She stood up and engulfed Lauren in a crushing hug. Lauren reciprocated the hug after a few seconds of initial shock. She was expecting a lot less that a hug. She even considered anticipating a slap, but she received quite the opposite.

"God, its so good to see you." Lucy breathed out into Lauren's shoulder. She didn't think she'd ever see Lauren again after what happened. 

"Same to you, Lucy. Its been hell without my best friend." This only caused Lucy to squeeze her tighter. Whether it was because Lauren literally friendzoned her for the billionth time or it was because she agreed with Lauren, Lucy missed her enough to hug her like her life depended on it. 

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