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Trigger Warning!!! This is your warning! It is only mentioned, not actually done. Be warned!

"Why, Camila? How? I thought you were going out with him that day?" Lauren questioned her quietly. She retracted her eyes from Camila's. She couldn't look her in the face. 

"Lauren, you have to believe me. It was a total accident! Shawn's driver was wasn't paying attention and he blew right past the red light. I didn't even know it was you until you felt out of your car. I feel terrible, Lauren. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you please tell me!" Camila grabbed her hand, but the injured girl retracted her hand instantly. Camila began to cry at the action. She was afraid this was going to happen.

"That's why you were so anxious to help me when you came here. You felt gilty, didn't you? Well you know what? I can't even stand you right now. I don't care how harsh that is. Accident or not, you didn't even tell me. Hell, you probably weren't even planning on telling me, were you?" She watched as Camila hung her head down in shame. That alone confirmed her question. "You were probably overjoyed when you found out I lost my memory. Well, jokes on you. It was only temporary." 

"I knew you were eventually going to get your memory back. I'm not going to lie, I was hoping you wouldn't remember. Our relationship is so messed up already, and I was just scared this would be the last straw. I was scared of losing you, Lauren. I don't show it a lot, but god dammit I love you. I would never be able to live without you, good terms or not."

"You wouldn't be able to live without me?" Lauren said coldly. She finally stared Camila dead in the eyes with no emotion whatsoever. 

Usually Camila is able to read Lauren's emotions through her piercing eyes, but she couldn't find anything at all. She visibly swallowed hard, then shook her head. "No. Not even for an hour. I'd go crazy." 

"Then fucking act like it." 

Camila was at a loss for words. She had never heard this tone from Lauren. It was totally new, and that scared her. "I-I, um, you-" 

"Please leave. I need to think. I need to breathe." 

"If that's what you want then-"

"It is. Go." 

The back of Camila's head was the last thing Lauren saw before the door closed. As soon as she left, Ally and Normani ran into the room. They didn't say anything. They just walked in and walked to Lauren's side and held both of her hands. 

Lauren stared emotionless at the door where the love of her life had walked out of. She felt as if she should be crying, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. She had shed so many tears because of the girl over the last few months, so much that she is practically dried out now. All she could do was stare and wish that things were better soon. 

"Get some rest, Lauren. You need it after all the news you got today." Ally patted her covered thigh. She smiled reassuringly at the injured girl in hopes to comfort her. 

"Rest? I've been alseep for a month and a half, Ally." Lauren snapped, but regretted it it when she saw Ally slightly wince at her outburst. "I'm sorry. I just thought that remembering Camila would make me happy, but it did the exact opposite." 

"So she told you?" Normani asked quietly. 

"Yep." The Cuban replied with a sigh. "Wait, you guys knew?" 

"Well, yeah. We weren't the ones in a coma. At first we just thought she was in the car with you cause she was also in the hospital. She told us she got in a car crash though. She didn't mention that she was in the car that crashed into you. Then she had an emotional breakdown when she found out you were paralyzed from the waist down. She confessed to everything- even the text she sent you. Your parents actually denied her from seeing you for two weeks after that. They basically said she needed to get her shit together before she loses you altogether." 

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