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From: 411-745-8375
Hi. Is this still your number, Lauren?

Lauren was on her way to the airport with Camila when her phone alerted her she received a message. The number was unfamiliar to her, so to say she was confused was an understatement.

To: 411-745-8375
Sorry, who is this?

From: 411-745-8375
Its Lucy... Lucy Vives.

Lauren looked over to see what Camila was doing. Her fiancé looked over at her curiously. Lauren smiled at her and gave her a 'nothing to worry about' look. Camila shrugged and stared out the window again.

To lie or not to lie, Lauren thought.

To: 411-745-8375
Yeah, its Lauren. How'd you get my number?

From: Lucy.
I got it from someone. I hope you don't mind.

Lauren didn't mind, but she would never admit that. Her and Lucy had a falling-out when Fifth Harmony got bigger and grew more busy. Lauren spent less and less time at home which led to the two girls not talking a lot. Eventually Lucy and Lauren naturally grew apart.

"Who are you texting?" Camila finally asked.

"Oh, its just my mom. She's picking me from the airport so she's asking if our flight is on time. Now we're just having a normal conversation." Lauren lied. She knew how Camila felt about Lucy. She knew that her insecure fiancé hated the past between her and Lucy. Camila would go ballistic if she knew that Lucy contacted her.

"Oh okay." Was all she got as a response. She didn't know why Camila was being all closed off again. But that didn't stop her from trying to find out.

Forgetting all about Lucy, she grabbed Camila's hand in attempt to be affectionate. Camila didn't pull away, but she certainly didn't put any effort into holding her hand back.

Lauren cleared her throat and still pushed to get a response out of her. "Are you excited about New Years? Your family is still coming over, right?"

"They are, yeah."

"This is our fifth or sixth one together, isn't it? Well, thats if you count when were just friends Its our third as a couple."

"Uh huh."

Lauren sighed and let go of Camila's hand. She placed hers in her own lap and stared out the window. The Uber car suddenly wasn't moving fast enough for Lauren's liking.


The flight finally landed in Miami on time. Lauren stretched and stood up to grab her and Camila's things from the storage above them. She passed her things to her and stood back to let her lead them out of the plane. They walked side by side until they reached their parents.

"Hi mom!" Lauren walked up to her mother and hugged her. Meanwhile, Camila walked over to her family that was standing by Clara and hugged them as well.

"Hi sweety. We missed you so much. Your dad, Chris, and Taylor wanted to come but I insisted that they cooked you a nice dinner while I came and got you. Plus, I needed to get out of the house."

"That's okay. I can't wait to see them." Lauren looked over to Camila's family. Her mom and dad talked to her while Sofi clung to her leg. Lauren subconsciously smiled as she watched her fiancé interact with her family.

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