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Lauren turned on the TV in her and Camila's shared apartment. Shawn and Camila were going to be performing on The Ellen Show. As much as she hated the song and the interactions between the duo, she would always be there to support her fiance. 

"Now here to perform  "I Know What You Did Last Summer," please welcome Shawn Mendes and from Fifth Harmony, Camila Cabello!"

Lauren was in awe at how beautiful her fiance looked. She would never get tired of how stunning she looked while she was performing, even if it wasn't with Fifth Harmony. Still, she felt that pain in her chest as she walked over to Shawn. She interacted with him in a way that Lauren could only wish for. Camila never looked at her like that while they were performing- at least not recently. 

Camila sang to Shawn like Lauren sang to Camila. Shawn ignored Camila like she ignored Lauren. Crazy how life works sometimes. 

~~~ Flashback to a couple mornings ago~~~

They have had three counseling appointments thus far. They had been going fairly well, too. things between them have been exceptionally better. Kisses were longer, hugs were more meaningfull, and communication was better than ever. 

That didn't last as long as Lauren had hoped.

"Why can't I just go with you? Shouldn't I, your fiance, be there to support you?" 

"Lauren, its really not that big of a deal. I'll probably be super busy while I'm there. Its nothing different than our performances as Fifth Harmony, really. You don't need to go." 

Lauren sighed and sank deeper into the couch. "I know I don't need to, but I want to. Why do you not want me to go so bad?" 

Camila shrugged as she still looked for her keys. She could've sworn they were in her purse, but they weren't there. "Its not that I don't want you to, its just that I don't need you to. You can watch it in a couple days on TV anyway." 

"Is it because I make you nervous or something? I'm sorry if-" 

"You don't make me nervous. I gotta go now, okay? I'll see you at home later tonight." Camila lips brushed Lauren's cheek, almost not even touching it at all. Then the artist walked out the door, leaving a confused and somewhat irritated Lauren behind. 

"So much for getting better."

~~~Back to Present~~~

To: Soon-to-be-wifey

Are you gonna be home soon or should I just cook for one tonight?

Lauren went and grabbed a couple pots from the cabinet in their kitchen. She filled one up with water and set it on the stove. She turned the heat up to medium and walked over to her phone. To her surprise, Camila had actually responded. 

From: Soon-to-be-wifey

You can just cook for yourself. Shawn and I are going to be late again. Interviews are going longer than we'd like them to be.. xoxo

Lauren couldn't help but smile from how the text finished. It reminded her of the beginning of their relationship where the younger girl would always finish her texts with "xoxo"or just a simple "xo". But the smile didn't stay on her face when she realized that Camila wouldn't be coming home until later, yet again. This was the fourth time this week. 

Lauren decided that she'd let Camila know she was slightly upset by leaving her on read. She set her phone down and continued to make her pasta. Even though her fiance told her to just cook for herself, she made she to cook enough for the both of them. Lauren knew how much Camila could eat. And if not, she had lunch for tomorrow. 

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