Chapter 8: The New Plan

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It has been 3 weeks since I confronted Chase. Kim wouldn't talk to me for a week after that. I apologized to her two times everyday for that week until she finally talked to me. It killed me to not be able to hear Kim's angelic voice for that long. That wasn't the only thing that killed me, it also killed me every time Kim and Chase kissed or hugged. I especially hated when during a sleepover with the guys Kim called Chase to say goodnight, and when they were practicing their slow dancing for the dance next week and I walked in to see it. To be honest I am completely crushed, but that won't last long. By the end of the dance I will have told Kim how I feel about her. Not only that but I will also give her proof that Chase did NOT write the notes.

Right now I am with the guys (Kim's with Chase) going over the plan so there are no flaws.

"Okay, so, Jerry your in charge of the lights. Eddie, you're in charge of the music. And Milton, your in charge of the execution" I said.

"Alright so everything is set and I will catch you up on the specifics latter" Milton said.

Everyone got there things and left. I was on my way home home when I spotted.........


After school, Chase and I went out and then he said he had to study and then he just ran away. He has been doing this for about two weeks. At first I didn't think anything of it but then it started to happen more and more and now I'm kinda suspicious. Oh well I don't want to worry about it right now.


Jacks plan is swag yo, I just hope it works. Chase is just lying to Kim. We all know Jack wrote those letters. I can't wait for the dance next week. Kick will finally prevail, if all goes well.


I really beleive in Jack and want him and Kim to get together. I think his plan is going to work as long as Chase doesn't get in the way of this one.


Jack has a good idea but I think Chase may get in the way of this one to, but I don't think the plan will fail it's just Chase may win Kim.


I can't beleive what I just saw. I have to tell someone, but who can I trust?

I decided to tell Milton because I know I can trust him with a secret, after all he was the first person to know I like Kim and he didn't tell anyone.


"Hey, Jack" Milton said

"Hey, Milton, if I tell you something will you promise not to tell ANYONE?" I said emphasizing 'anyone'.

"Yeah" Milton answered. He sounded kind of unsure, but I just shrugged it off and continued.

"Well when I was walking home after we all went over the plan I saw something, more like someone" I said trying to stall as much as possible so I can find the right words.

"Who did you see" Milton asked curiously.

"I saw, Donna, and..........Chase, kissing, and I had to tell you because if I didn't I would have told Kim, and that would have broke her heart, and I just can't see or hear her cry because it makes me want to cry and-" I started to go on and on until Milton cut me off.

"Jack it may break her heart for you to tell her but it would break her heart even more for her to find out by herself" Milton told me and he kind of has a point but I can't tell Kim.

"I don't know Milton i-" I started but was cut off again.

"Just think about it Jack, would you rather, have your best friend tell you what they saw and be there to comfort you when you get upset, or would you rather be walking down the hall when you see your girlfriend making out with another guy, and to top it off the only people you have around you are your girlfriend that was cheating on you and the guy she was cheating on you with" Milton said. To be honest you can't argue with that logic. It makes perfect sense.

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