Chapter 9: I Know

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"I said...... Chase is cheating on you with Donna, I saw them last week" I said trying not to make her mad or get her upset.

Kim's sighed then said something that really shocked me.

"Yeah I know about that already" She said and I almost passed out.

"Well are you guys still dating?" I asked.

"I don't know, I haven't broken up with him yet because he's my date to the dance and I don't want to end up going alone" She replied. I wanted to tell her to break up with him and go to the dance with me but then another plan would be ruined. Of coarse Kim knowing about Chase and not even wanting to date him faltered our plans but I have a feeling the ending will be better.

"Oh, well I get it but are you going to break up with him after the dance?" I asked and I may have sounded to hopeful.

"I don't know I plan to" Kim replied. I was jumping up and down on the inside but remained calm on the outside.


When Jack asked me why I didn't break up with Chase and I told him it was because I wouldn't have a date to the dance and that was true but I also told him because I was hoping he would offer to take me to the dance. I am a little upset that I'm still going to the dance with Chase but in the end I am going to have a good time no matter who I go with.



I was talking to Grace and Kelsey about the dance when Chase came up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. I swear I wanted to slap him so hard it sent him to the next day, but I had to keep my cool. I was planning on breaking up with him at the dance tonight. I don't know why I want to go to the dance with him though. I guess it's just because I need a date and a ride.

"Heyyyyy, Kimmy, how's it goin?" Chase said. I rolled my eyes but only the girls could see that.

"Good, what are you doing after school?" I decided to put him to the test.

"I don't know why?" Chase sounded a bit worried when he answered.

"Just seein if you wanted to hang out" I said pushing him a little further.

"Oh, well um........ I'm a little busy today, but some other time?"He asked me. On the inside I was screaming no, but on the outside I remained cool and collected.

"Oh, okay....." I trailed off.

"Hey I gotta get my books, but I'll see you latter" Chase said.

"Okay but your sitting with us at lunch right?" I pulled my final test out and he failed completely.

"Oh umm......My older brother took time off of college to visit for a week and he's taking me out to lunch today. I would invite you to join us but I kinda want to catch up with my bro"Chase began stuttering after oh. I knew that this was a lie because last week he told me he was really excited about his brother visiting but the only difference was that his brother isn't supposed to be here for another week.

"Okay, bye, see you latter" He tried to kiss me but I pretended that I didn't notice. As soon as he left I was bombarded with questions.

"What's goin on with you and Chase?" Grace asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I mean first you roll your eyes when you see him, then you keep asking him when he can hang out like some super clingy girlfriend, then when he tries to kiss you, you pretend you didn't even notice" Kelsey exclaimed.

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