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Dear Diary,

It's been quite a while since I've written in one of these. I guess I've chosen to write in a diary again because I remember how much it helped me during a difficult time in my life. Now I would like to keep a diary where I'll be able to document all of the joys I'm experiencing each day as Mrs. Sweeney. I've had quite the extraordinary life since I married, and I feel blessed.

A lot has happened since the last time I wrote in a dairy. As I already mentioned, I married the love of my life and so far, I haven't thought of a single thing I've ever done that surpasses that moment in my life. My parents have come far with their repentant by fully supporting us with their love and acceptance. My father has even begun to see Sebastian as a friend more than a son-in-law – this makes me very happy and it just goes to show that people can truly change for the greater good.

My mother has renewed her friendship with Frances and the both are as before, inseparable best friends; they've even begun exercising together again.

It was difficult for Frances to move on with her life after Stewart's death, despite the way their marriage ended. Luckily Dennis – Sebastian's business partner –found a way to repair her once broken heart and even managed to win her over. Dennis often brought Frances out of her comfort zone every time he took her out to a "sleazy restaurant" (as she often called them) and scandalized her with his "liberal" approaches in life – but all of this served to soften France's "annoying etiquette manners" (as Dennis often called them). Now, Frances can't seem to stay away from enjoying a good burger with fries or a cold beer with Dennis and the guys!

Ricardo eventually moved back to Spain and continued to work with my father. Despite everything he's shown his full support with my marrying Sebastian. Ricardo met a wonderful woman at his company and fell in love. Last I heard they were expecting their first baby.

Gracie and Don Guido are still together and as strong as ever. Those two never stop bickering but it's clear that they love each other more than ever. Gracie finally agreed to grant Don Guido's wish to marry him and so she did. The two live happily in their own apartment. Their love gives me hope that someday Sebastian and I will be just like them. Don Guido and Gracie's relationship goes to show that love can arrive at any age.

Susie and Leo also got married right before they had their baby girl. They bought a house near Sebastian and I and I couldn't have asked for better neighbors. Susie went to record three successful albums with EMI Records until she and Leo started their own company where Susie is currently working on her fourth. She went and branched her talents into Broadway and even starred in a few movies. It amazes me how she could do so much and yet still have time for Leo and her baby. She's truly an inspiration to me.

As for Esther ... I never heard from her again. In my hearts of hearts, I still hope that she sought the help she needed and that now she's living in peace somewhere. I dare say I still love her, even miss her. Her mother Estelle eventually came back from rehab recovered and at first my parents and I feared she might slip back into her drinking the moment we told her about Esther's disappearance and being wanted by the police, but she surprised us all. Estelle still lives with my parents, hoping that Esther will come back someday. And because of that hope, Estelle has been sober for years now.

Sebastian and I both went on to have very successful careers as musicians, playing concerts all over the world. Sebastian's first show The Sleeping Memories went to win numerous of Tony Awards, including Best Musical and Best Original Score. He's currently writing and producing his seventh Broadway show with Dennis – starring the divine Susie Breslow.

We are still very much in love and that love only seems to grow as time passes. I can honestly say that I feel blessed. All my dreams have come true; I have a wonderful career, a lovely home with Sebastian, and two beautiful children. My life is filled with love and light, and I couldn't ask for anything better.

* * *

"Mommy! Mommy!"

Heaven looked up from her diary and smiled. She was sitting at the beach outside her home on a blanket with a birthday cake in front of her. A little girl with blonde pigtails ran up from behind her and wrapped her little arms around her.

"Happy Birthday!" Heaven laughed. She grabbed her daughter from behind and pulled her onto her lap and started to tickle her.

"Mommy that tickles!" the little girl laughed hysterically. Heaven stopped and eyed her daughter suspiciously.

"Cathy, did you run away from Jory and your father?"

"Yes," little Cathy said and then laughed. Heaven heard Sebastian walking up from behind them.

"You, little girl, are fast" Sebastian said breathlessly as he showed up with a little brown-headed boy. "Just like your mother."

Heaven and Cathy laughed as Sebastian and Jory joined them on the blanket. Sebastian and Heaven sat their beautiful children between them as they watched the cake with hungry little eyes.

"And happy birthday to you, sweetheart," Heaven kissed Jory's head.

"Thanks mommy," Jory smiled, his cerulean blue eyes shining with happiness.

"Time to cut the cake for the birthday twins!" Sebastian grinned and began to cut slices out for them.

"We're getting older, daddy," Cathy said to him, "We're six now, we can cut it ourselves!"

"Oh, no you don't," Heaven laughed, "Not until you're about twelve!"

"Maybe for her," Jory said straightening his posture and holding his little chin high, "But I'm a man I can probably do it earlier, no?"

Sebastian laughed and handed them their cake.

"I wonder where he gets that confidence from," he said.

"Hmm, from the man I love, surely," Heaven snickered and their eyes met. Jory and Cathy saw the way they were looking at each other and quietly giggled.

Sebastian leaned in and kissed Heaven on the lips. Heaven caressed his face and everything seemed just right. The day was a beautiful spring day and the sun was out. They were spending their children's birthday at the beach and all seemed perfect.

And it would be, for the rest of their lives ...


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