Chapter 4

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Damon's POV

I knock on Elena's door at exactly five like she said. I rub my eyes once again. I really am not a morning person. I probably should mention that to her. Not that it matters now. I hear her unlock the door and I step back a little more.

"Good morning." She smiles at me. God. I love that smile.

"Good morning Elena. Ready? Taxi is waiting on us." I tell her. She nods and rolls her suit case out into the hall. She shuts the door back and locks it.

"How can you be such a morning person?" I ask when we get in to the taxi.

"I feel better if I wake up early. Instead of sleeping in and rushing to get ready. I wake up two hours early, shower, stretch and have a good breakfast." She smiles again and leans over to kiss my cheek.

"Should try it." She whispers in my ear before sitting back in her seat. I laugh and shrug my shoulders.

"We will see." I say.

"Have you ever been to Colorado?" She asks me. We are waiting near our gate to board the plane.

"I've never been. I've only ever been to Florida, Tennessee, and Massachusetts. And of course New York." I smile.

"I think you will like it. It's beautiful." She says. Little does she know, her beauty will beat anything I ever see again. She pulls her hair brush from her carry on bag and starts brushing the ends of her long brown locks.

"So you've been before?" I ask her.

"I went with my brother a few weeks before he died. He loved the Broncos. We went to a game and it was really fun. It was just us and it's one of my favorite memories with him." She smiles and looks down at her hands.

"Going back is going to be hard, I know. But I'll be here for you Elena." I reach for her hand and lock our fingers together.

"Thank you Damon." She lays her head on my shoulder and I kiss the top of her head.

A few moments later they call for us to start boarding the plane and we find our seats. I let her have the window seat and she smiles and tells me that's her favorite spot anyway.

My favorite spot is anywhere with her.

Elena's POV

We check in to the hotel and get the key to our room. Damon opens the door for me and I step inside. I go straight to the balcony and open the door to see the view. This is the same hotel Jeremy and I stayed in. And I loved the view.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I say to Damon. He joins me on the balcony and nods.

"What is it with you and views?" He smirks at me.

"I find beauty in everything. And scenery is my favorite thing to look at. It's different everywhere and that's what makes it beautiful." I say.

"Like people. Everyone is different. And everyone is beautiful." I add. He smiles at me and then presses his lips against mine.

"That's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard someone say. That makes you even more beautiful." He says and I can feel my cheeks blush.

"You're making me blush." I laugh and push him away. I walk back inside and he follows me.

"What do you want to do for lunch? You've been here before, so you get to choose." Damon says. I sit on the bed and start thinking of the places I liked most here.

"There's a really good Mexican restaurant up the street, but it's always packed and really loud. We can get it to go and bring it back here if you want?" I suggest.

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