Chapter 7

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**Middle of Mission (Victoria's POV)**

"So I was thinking." Chase speaks up while he shoots a guy with an arrow.

"That can't be good." I laugh while round housing a guy and throwing my shield at a different guy. I see my dad likes it so much.

"Haha. Anyways. I was thinking, and I know we won't be home before Valentines Day ends, so why don't we spend an extra day here and have out own Valentine's Day?" He asks while jumping down from the ledge he was perched on and starts punching some guys.

'That'd be so nice. But isn't there some sort of rule against that?" 

"Rules are meant to be broken. Besides, it's your first Valentines Day in a long time, and we are currently in Spain. Why not enjoy the view while we're here?" He has a point.

"True, even though you started to sound like Tony a little with the rules are meant to be broken. Let's do it." I jump over a guy, knocking him down and throw my shield at the last one. 

"After we get this done babe." Chase smirks at me as we walk into the mob boss' "office" and Chase gets our intel back. "Got it lets finish this. We plant the charges and run to the Quinjet. Chase starts a call with Director Fury and when he answers we notice the rest of the Avengers in the room.

"Done already? Didn't expect it to go that fast. Did you get the intel? And blow the place?" Director Fury asks surprised. I just stand in the back ground and smirk.

"Yes we did everything sir. And maybe we're just that good of a team." Chase answers all of the questions. I can tell that Chase has a smirk on his face and so do I. I put my shield on the table on grab the chocolates that Chase gave me. I open them and start eating them while still paying attention to the video call. My dad looks at me weirdly so I put the chocolate away and put them on the table behind Chase where no one can see them. 

"And how do you feel about the mission Miss Rogers?" The Director asks me.

"I think that it went very well. Like Chase said, we're just that good of a team." I smile and answer him. 

"Well that's good to hear because you and Agent Barton are going to be partners form here on out. I'm assuming that's Ok with you two?" Director Fury announces and Chase and I look at each other and nod.

"Of course" "Yeah" 

"Good you two are to be back here as soon as you can." Director Fury commands.

"Umm yeah no." Chase says.

"Excuse me?" I know I agreed to this but I'm gonna get it when we get back, I just know it.

"She's in Spain, a place she may never be again. And if I recall I haven't used any of my vacation days so I am using one of them, and Tori doesn't work for you. Therefore, no. see you in a few days." Chase smirks and our parents start yelling while Director Fury has an annoyed look on his face. 

"Chase Anthony Barton! Get back here!" Natasha yells. 

"Sorry mom, I'm gonna live a little, without S.H.I.L.D. Love you guys." Chase responds. While my dad just sits there with a really mad expression.

"Love you dad." I say and Chase ends the call.

"Well we are so grounded when we get back." Chase laughs.

"Yeah. But I'm sure it'll be worth it." I smile. I have never gone against my mother, mainly because I was scared that she was going to hit me. I know that my dad won't hurt me though.

"Well considering it's like 1 in the morning, let's get some more sleep." Chase offers.

"That sounds good." I say as I yawn like it was on Que. 

"Yeah, but let's get a hotel room otherwise the pilot is gonna take off when he gets back." Chase laughs nervously. 

"Ok let's go. I get up from the couch grab my shield and the box of chocolates and we walk out.

**An hour later**

It took an hour to convince the people at the front desk that Chase and I were both eighteen. I mean, it's only two years, how different are we going to look? We finally got a room, but we could only afford a room with a single queen bed since Chase insisted on taking me to a fancy dinner after we get some rest and look around Spain. Which I am perfectly fine with. We are currently on the elevator to our room on the fifth floor.

"You sure you Ok with sharing a bed?" Chase asks me for the eighth time. Yeah, I'm counting.

"Chase. That was the eighth time you asked. And my answer is still the same. Besides, we slept on the Quinjet together. Except let's hope this is more comfortable than that couch." I laugh.

"Yeah that is a pretty horrible couch." He agrees as he puts his arm round my waist. I lean on him and then the elevator reaches our floor. We walk down the hall to room 517 and when we get inside we know we got Chase's moneys worth. It is an elegant room with tan walls that are so light you would think their white, and a small kitchen with a mini fridge, toaster, and microwave. Then there was the bathroom with a fancy toilet. I never knew there could be a fancy toilet.

"Woah." I said.

"Yeah. Was not expecting this, at all." Chase laughs. I take off me jacket and shoes and lay on the bed.

"Definitely more comfortable than the couch." Chase laugh and takes his shoes and jacket off and lays next to me.

"Oh yeah way better." I roll on my side and wrap my arm around him and lay my head on his chest. I let out a big sigh, I think I have been holding since the beginning of this mission. "You okay Tori?" 

"Hmm, yeah." I said.

"You sure?"

"Chase, I'm fine. Really. I'm just super tired." I answer him.

"Well then let's sleep." He smiles and gives me a kiss and we fall asleep yet again in each others arms. 

Best Valentines Day Ever!

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