Chapter Three - Beyond what they see...

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 "Fuck! What do I do!?" I said to myself. *Knocking on the door.* "Who is it..!" I said. "Its me Ash!" He said. "What are you doing here..?" I said opening the door. "I just wanted to come check up on you, since you know who passed away..." Ash said. "She's not dead! Read it!" I said showing him the note. "What..? Dude this isn't a joke! That's not funny.." He said getting angry. "Its not a joke! I'm serious." I said with my serious face. "I'm out of here! You think its a joke! Ass hole come back when you're done joking around!" He said walking out the door. "Ugh! I guess I'll go get her! JESUS!" I said grabbing a gun and a vest.

*Phone call from... Alice.*

Why do you think its funny to joke about Paige's death! HUH! Its not a joke!I wasn't playing around! its not a fake fucking note!
Yeah sure what ever!
*I hung up*

*Its to dark to be driving my headlights are out, what's going on!?!. My body feels heavy, and I'm sweating for no reason. My eyes are rolling, my head is every where. I'm getting dizzy... What's going on!?!**A loud crash*

"Hey! Are you okay..!" A voice of a man said. "Uhh." I said passing out. * I could only hear sirens, and sound of screaming and crying and a voice of a girl saying let go of me. That's my brother!* "Sir, son, wake up" As the doctor pats on my face softly. "Huh..?!  Where am I!" I said freaking out. "Its okay. You had crashed into a tree.. What is your name..?" He asked me. "My name.. Name.. I don't know..." I said. "Whats the last thing you remember?" The doctor asked. "I don't know.. I remember a girl..? A girl tall and fair, hair of blonde and bright as a the sun. The eyes of the ocean, she's was so beautiful.." I said not remembering any thing. "Well... We don't know where your parents are..." He said *I interrupted him..* "Wait... The note! WHERE THE FUCK IS THE NOTE!" I said looking every where for it. "Son calm down! Its right here. We haven't read it yet.." He said. "JUST FUCKING LET ME READ IT AGAIN!" I said reading through it. * Alice, rich or poor, love or sadness.. Paige, Chloe, kidnapping, 1,000,000.00* "What day is it!" I asked. "You got here two hours ago..." He said. "Where's the nearest car rental!" I said with a rush. "Its down town but son you're in the middle of Yoni town.. It's twenty miles away.." He said. "FUCK! Can I borrow your car?!?! I'll pay you 10,000,000.00 dollars, I'm rich..." I said. "um I guess!" He said giving me his keys.

* Where is Paige now..?! She might still be there..*
*Phone call from Alice.*
Where have you been!
In the hospital..
*Hung up once again*

"we're over remember!" I said pushing the pedal as harsh as I could. going full speed. "I got to call her.." I said worrying about Chloe. (Chloe POV)

"Ha-ha how pathetic! He don't know whose behind it yet!?! Really!" I said. "Yes he does!" Paige screams. "Shut up little BITCH!" I yelled. "I might as well as kill him!" I said. *I walked off laughing* (Jace's POV) 

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