Valentine's Day Story

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Hey guys I'm hopelessly bored so I decided to do a choose your own adventure Valentine's Day story. I did one on the last book so I hope you know how this works lets go.

By the way this is going to be incredibly sarcastic.

(Your POV)
One day I was sitting in my room, alone, on Tumblr. It was Valentine's Day, and all my friends had boyfriends and girlfriends except for me, so I was alone. Out of now where, I got a text. It was...

A: Luke

B: Calum

C: Michael

D: Ashton

E: Jack

Luke: Sup
Me: What loser
Luke: Wanna hang
Me: Whatever loser

Calum: Heyyyy
Me: You're bored aren't you
Calum: Yeah
Me: Well let's do something

Mike: Y/N
Mike: Let's hang out
Me: Cool

Ash: Y/N I'm bored
Me: Let's do something then
Ash: K

Jack: Y/N hey hey hey
Me: What are you doing
Jack: I'm bored let's hang out
Me: Alright

You and whoever texted you decided you should hang out because you were both bored and alone. You decide to go to...

A: Starbucks/Luke

B: Movie/Calum

C: Pizza place/Michael

D: Concert/Ashton

E: Mall/Jack

Luke: Let's go to Starbucks
Me: Omg you're such a white girl
Luke: Thanks meets me there
Me: Whatever

Calum: Wanna see a movie
Me: What movie
Calum: Deadpool
Me: Sure

Michael: Let's get food
Me: Pizza?
Michael: Pizza

Ash: Let's go to a concert
Me: To see who
Ash: FOB?

Jack: Wanna go to the mall?
Me: I have no money
Jack: I'll buy it for you
Me: K let's go

Once at the place you were going, you and whoever you're with start to get pretty close. Suddenly the boy leans into you. What do you do?

A: Slap him/Luke

B: Hug him/Calum

C: Hand him more pizza/Michael

D: Scream song lyrics into his ear/Ashton

E: Kiss him/Jack

A: Luke leans into you. You slap him. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" He screams. You shrug.

B: Calum leans into you. You give him a hug. He smiles.

C: Michael leans into you. You give him some pizza. "You know me too well". He smiles.

D: Ashton leans into you. You scream song lyrics at him. He screams them back.

E: Jack leans into you. You kiss him. He kisses back.

The boy stares deep into your eyes. "Y/N, I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time. I have feelings for you. Y/N, will you go out with me?" You stare at him. You say...

A: Lol no I'm dating Jack Hemmings/Luke

B: Uh well but Jack Hemmings/Calum

C: But have you SEEN Jack Hemmings/Michael

D: I like Jack Hemminngs though/Ashton

E: Jack Hemmings/Jack

A: "Lol no I'm dating Jack Hemmings" you say, skipping away from Luke. "WHY DO THEY ALWAYS CHOOSE MY BROTHER?" Luke screams

B: "Uh well but Jack Hemmings" you say. "That's cool I like him too." Calum said.

C: "But Have you SEEM Jack Hemmings?" You say. "Same" said Michael

D: "I like Jack Hemmings though" you said. "You get Jack Hemmings" Ashton said

E: "Jack Hemmings." you said. "Jack Hemmings" Jack said.

You and Jack lived happily ever after and Luke was sad because Jack is the better Hemmings.

The end.

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