Chapter 43 {edited}

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| B A H J A🌅|

My mom fucked my whole mood man. I don't even wanna go to school now. So I simply not going. I mean Lourdes didn't need a ride so I'm in the clear.

After my shower I put a sports bra on and black basket ball shorts on. I tied my hair in a high pony tail and put a black foral headband on.

Zonnique was sleep. She woke this morning puking and I didn't think she needed to school being sick either so I let her go back to bed. She sleeping peacefully with Royal in her hands they looked adorable. I had to take a picture and posted it to Instagram.

I headed down the stairs were Anyae and Angel were out chilling.

"Hey how it go with your mom" Yae asked.

"You don't need to kno. Worry bout cha self" I said grabbing a gatorade

"All I wanted to know if you was okay.." She mumbled sniffling. I guess Angel got made because she ran over to me mad with her short self.

"Aye! Cut that ish out Bahja, you know she has feelings. She actually cares about yo ass and you treat her like shit. She yo sister and I don't give a damn if you aren't still "adjusted" to her. Well you better get adjusted hella quick because she in yo house to stay, that wonderful selfless girl is yo sister and you should appreciate that. You so selfish. "She finished off. I just laughed.

"Little girl. Get out my face, I got places to be and I'm not about to waste my time on a little girl"I said moving away from her. She rolled her eyes.

"This ass ain't little tho" she mumbled under her breath before sitting Anyae's Lap again. I ignored her and went outside were just as planed Bre was sitting in my car ready to go.

"Hey girl" I said getting myself adjusted. She looked tired. Her purple hair was in a messy bun. She had a tank top on and sport shorts on.

She yawned before answering me. "Hey Bahj, were Nique?" She asked.

"She threw up this morning....I don't think she'll be going to school" I said.

"She threw up? In Morning time? Today?" She said. I looked at her a nodded confused. She started counting something in her head and the smiling.

"What??" I said.

"Oh nothing" she said still smiling. "Ready to go?" She said I nodded and started the car.

| N I Q U E🐼|

I woke up and didn't feel right. I sat up and got hit with nausea hard. I ran to the bathroom and threw up again. Ugh I woke up early and threw up, I hate throwing up, barf is just so disgusting. 

After sitting there for a minute I got up and brushed my teeth making sure I cleaned real good. I went back into the bedroom and just let myself fall onto the bed groaning.

Royal came over to were I was and started playing with my hair trying to get me to up.

"TT NiwNiw" he said. He now refers me as his aunt. I got up and looked at him.

"Juicy juice" he said. He always says that when he hungry. I checked my phone and it was late 11 in the morning. He usually gets up at 9 so he probably been trying to get me up for awhile. I mean nothing happened last night so I don't know why I slept that late.....

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