Chapter 55{edited}

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Yea yea I know Rayan is the Enemy but Rayan is still fine, therefore I still get to put his picture up. Out of all the pictures I've seen of him I really LOVE this picture for some reason.

Part I.

| N I Q U E😓|

I was calling out did my big headed baby. People were looking at me weird because they probably thought I was calling out for my child that I let loose. Honestly the way she acts they just may be the reason.

But then my heart fucking skipped a beat once I heard a loud ass scream. I knew it could only be Bahja's, I've only heard her scream once and that's was because I was giving her head for the first time and I accidentally bit down, but I mean I didn't know she was that tender.

But it was so loud everyone turned to the back of the store. I didn't think twice before I ran towards the back.

A million things were going threw my head, what if something bad happened? What if she got hurt? What if when I get back there she not there? What if I can't find her?!?!!

I got to the back of the store and saw blood and her phone that was now cracked on the floor. I felt my eyes instantly tear up since I saw all her stuff but not her.

I picked up her phone and then backed away from the blood, I knew if I kept seeing it I would pass up or throw up and I'm already getting light headed and my heart was already beating way to fast.

I pulled my actually phone out and with shaky hands I called 911

Operator-911 what's your emergency?

Me- H-hi um my girl just got kidnapped at Children's place-

Operator-Ugh! Another kid got kidnapped there? God why won't y'all actually hold y'all child's hand when ya go in there!?-

Me- First off, don't get a fucking attitude with me or I will slap yo ass threw this motherfucking phone and if you don't believe me try me then, second off she isn't my daughter she my girlfriend

Operator- Oh. Um sorry Ma'm. But we can't actually do anything-

Me-WHAT?!? Your 911! Y'all have police! Why can't y'all do nothing?

Operator- They won't be able to track her down in enough time, as we speak they can be across the border.

Me- Well can y'all at least try?

Operator- Does she have her phone on her?

Me- No, she dropped it.

Operator- if she had her phone we would be able to track her down but since she doesn't-

I hung up because I knew what she was gonna say. Tears were rapidly coming out my eyes and my heart was beating way to fast, I had totally forgot that I needed my Asthma pump and you know who has it......BAHJA HAS IT!

Donald-Hey NiqNiq, is everything okay?

Me-Uh N-no, Bahja was kidnapped in Children's place.

Donald- shit I should have told y'all that children's place is the wrist baby store to go to!

Me-Well what you going to do?

Donald- Find my daughter! Do you have the car keys?


Donald-come straight home NOW.

Me-Uh o-okay.

I hung up and sniffled. People around me that were putting the pieces together kept asking if I was alright. I kept saying I was fine until I turned around, walked 4 steps and blacked out.

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