Chapter 19: welcome home my dear

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   Tears slip past Yugi's lashes as he cradles Heba's in his arms. Our family is finally whole again and I can't help but feel completely relieved by it. Heba is safe and my mother will always watch over and protect us. The golden mark on Heba's shoulder reminding me of that promise as it gleams in the light.
   "Thank you so much." Yugi whispers. I simply smile as I pick up Atemu and pull him into my arms.
   "Heba!" He says excitedly.
   "That's right," I smile as I nuzzle his little nose. "Heba is all better." Atemu bursts into a fit of laughter and waves his hands before my face making me chuckle. My eyes widen slightly as I see something on his palm that wasn't there before. A small golden pyramid  shines on his palm. Seems that mother has met her grandson after all. The thought brings a smile to my face as I pull Atemu and Yugi close to me. My family, right where they should be, in my arms. I plant a gentle kiss on each of their heads.
   "Let's go home." I whisper.
   "Yeah," Yugi whispers through his tears, let's go home." I slowly help him to his feet and guide him out the door. We're going home.

   "Heba." Atemu giggles as he crawls onto her. His eyes alight with joy and love at having his sister returned to her.
   "Ate..." Heba struggles to form the word. I can't help but smile a the pair of them as they greet one another. "Atemu." Heba gently touches Atemu's face and runs small pudgy fingers through his hair.
   "They are so happy to see one another." Solomon says with a broad smile as he sits on the floor beside them. "I'm so glad that this story had a happy ending."
   "I think we all are." Yugi says from his seat in the leather chair closest to me. I wrap an arm around his shoulders and pull him close to my side. The sensation of his warmth pouring in to me makes me almost euphoric. Everything is as it should be. "Heba is back where she belongs."
   /"I will have to thank my mother properly later."/ I whisper through the link.
   /"I don't think you'll have to."/ Yugi replies with a smile.
   /"What make you say that?"/ I ask with a confused smile. /"She saved Heba I think I owe her my gratitude."/
   /"I'm not saying don't thank her."/ Yugi says with a pointed look and a wry smile. /"But I don't think she left us at the hospital. I feel that she is still here with us. Just look at Atemu and Heba and tell me that you don't see something different."/ I follow Yugi's gaze and watch our two children curiosily. Atemu is now laying across Heba's stomach playing with her hair that is identical to mine. For a moment I don't see anything different or out of place but the longer I look the more I begin to see what Yugi was pointing out.
   There is a faint golden glow around the pair of them that seems to follow the path of two hands. Both hands are intertwined through their hair gently caressing their heads and their faces. The longer I look the more I begin to see my mother and her face as she watches over her grandchildren as she had promised.
   I can't help the smile that takes over my face and glows brighter than any sun. Yugi smiles and peeks over at me.
   /"I take it that you see it now?"/ I nod in response as I pull him close to me.
   "We are very fortunate." I murmur. Solomon and Yugi both nod as they look upon me with a smile. I couldn't be happier than I am right now. "Welcome home my little princess."

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