Relationship Troubles

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It started last week. My boyfriend Ethan and I had gotten into a small fight. Wait no – I lied. We had practically gotten ourselves into a war after what happened at his house. My friends warned me that something like this would happen one day, but I couldn't even remember the last time I had listened to them. Well, I supposed the fight was what I deserved after falling in love with a giant. 

Our state was divided into two distinctive areas, like most states throughout the country. One half was dedicated to humans while the other was made to giants. Businesses, politics, and friendships were common among the two different species, despite the great size difference. One thing that was not common was romantic relationships, much like the one between Ethan and I. We had been childhood friends and the next thing we knew, we had fallen in love with each other by the time we grew up to be adults. Everyone told us we were stupid and just looking to get hurt, but we ignored them.

At the moment while I was sitting in my apartment watching cheesy, heartbreaking with happy-ending romance films, I realized that I had been really stupid to ignore the warnings of everyone else.

There were a lot more problems to being in a relationship with a giant than I had anticipated. I assumed it was just like normal couples with the exception of fear of squishing, among other things. Of course, when things became much deeper and such, I wasn't exactly prepared for any of the other obstacles. 

Dates were limited since we couldn't go to restaurants, amusement parks, or anything of the sort. Also, we were hardly – if ever – over on my side of town. Ethan couldn't fit anywhere; he was just too damn big. So we always ended going over to his side of town for our dates. Even though I was the size of a Polly Pocket compared to him, all I had to do is sit on Ethan's shoulder to get around. Of course, everyone always stared at us when we were on dates. Ethan and I were quite the famous couple in our city, particularly because we were one of the few giant/human couples in our state. We draw attention every once and while, but it wasn't like we were celebrities. We were just fascinating, I supposed. 

That wasn't even the hardest part. The hardest part, something I found out around a few months ago, was the sex. Between giant/human couples, it was kind of non-existent. There wasn't much a couple could do. It was impossible as much as it was dangerous. I had read somewhere that it was possible to pleasure one's giant or human partner, but to actually have sex was completely impossible. I never would have guessed that it would have such a strain. 

I couldn't compete with a giantess. I could never compete with a giantess. If Ethan was with a giantess, they would be a normal couple and do whatever normal couples did. Same with me; if I were with a human man, we would be normal. But I didn't want a human man. I wanted and loved Ethan. I just couldn't satisfy him a way a giantess could, which led to our argument.

We were at his place, watching some giant movie that had plenty of sex scenes of giants. With giantesses. I just knew Ethan was enjoying it too, but I could never tell since he always had on a vacant expression when watching any movie. I felt like I had been watching a giant's porn film, but I knew better. There were only three sex scenes out of the three-hour movie. Still, I was upset. And Ethan had the nerve to ask why. I couldn't help it – I went off on him, something that he didn't take too lightly.

We were still in the middle of our fight. Well, at least I was. Ethan kept calling to try to apologize. I kept hanging up on him or ignoring his calls completely. I made myself busy with my job at the club, with my friends, with anything that would allow me to avoid and forget about Ethan. It worked for the most part, but there was the pain in my chest that wouldn't go away when I was alone. 

Hence why I was currently curled up on the couch, finishing up The Notebook and now switching to Letters to Juliet. I had watchedWater for Elephants and Pretty Woman earlier that day; I was just going down the list of every romance film I had in my DVD cabinet. Despite the happy endings, I just kept getting more and more depressed. Though a movie, these characters would always have a happy ending together; they were human and humans had happy ending with humans. Just as giants had them with giants. But there weren't any movies about humans and giants ending up happy together and in love. Those didn't exist.

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