A Choice

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A/N: Two things!

First thing, I have never written a character with a stutter before. I knew this one girl who had one in one of my classes last semester (super sweet girl, she was great), so I only know a bit of how it sounds when someone with a stutter speaks. I did some research online as well, so I hope that I was able to get the stuttering correctly... If not, I will try again next time!

And the second thing is if you guys are interested in reading a full, ongoing GT romance story, I'm writing one called Love of a Giant. Check it out if you want to read it~


Humans were cruel. They were selfish and treated anyone who couldn't grant them favors like dirt. All they cared about was gaining power and wealth. Family and friends... they didn't seem to have a use for them. If there wasn't a price tag attached to it, it was worthless.

At least that was what Roldan had learned all those years ago. Even though this was his land, the humans who ever came across him treated him like he was some sort of monsters. That he was out to hurt them, kill them, eat them... It was barbaric. He had no interest in human flesh, even if they really were the same as animals to him. They looked too much like him, only three times smaller with less fur and no claws... He couldn't eat them; it would just be eating a small version of himself and that didn't sit right with him.

That didn't mean he wouldn't kill them if they tried to attack him during the night. All he would be doing is walking around or hunting. But these selfish humans who had encroached on his territory would spot him and try to attack him. He had to fight back and would easily kill the would-be heroes of the human village. He preferred to just scare them off, but killing them sometimes was the only option.

For the most part though, he simply tried to avoid them. He didn't want to deal with such selfish beings...

At least that was what he had told himself.

He had been hunting along when he heard soft sobbing in the distance. His curiosity had gotten the better of him and he followed the noise deep into the forest. The sobbing got louder and louder, and he could make it out to a female's voice. A very young female.

He was not expecting to see a human child sitting on the ground with her face buried into her hands. A little girl, probably no older than ten, sat there on the forest floor, sobbing and shaking like a leaf. Her dress was tattered and dirty, her skin was covered in scratches and bruises, her curly blonde hair a mess. She was so thin and pale, as if she had been starved. Roldan didn't know why she was like this, but he could only guess other humans did this to her. Her, who was only a child.

Humans really were the worst creatures alive.

Roldan glanced around. Now what was he supposed to do? Having been around these humans for a long time, he knew the language. He could speak to her if need be. But she was a child, who had no doubt been plagued with tales about how a monster like him would snatch her up and eat her if given the chance. If she saw him, she would scream. Maybe even faint.

But he couldn't just leave her there... If he didn't do anything, something else would come along. An animal who would make her into a meal. Or a human, maybe even the ones who had given her all the bruises in the first place. He couldn't let that happen.

Quietly so she wouldn't see him, he hid himself behind some of the thicker trees and foliage, keeping himself covered. The bushes rustled a little, making the poor girl jump and gasp. Her little head darted around, dark blue eyes wide and terrified, as she tried to figure out just what made that noise.

"Don't be afraid, little one," he said softly, making sure his voice wasn't as hoarse or deep as it normally was. "I won't hurt you."

She didn't say anything, though she did look in his direction. Still frightened, the little girl hugged herself tightly. It made sense though. A strange man was speaking to her, but she couldn't see him. If he were in her shoes, he would probably also be just as terrified.

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