Chapter VII

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Edited by FabiHoran13

Rey's POV:

He was overwhelmed with fear. Fear of never being as powerful as his grandfather But through the process of following his steps, he had almost fully lost himself. He had stepped deeper into the darkness as each day passed by. A part of him was already controlled by fear, but I knew he was still capable of reversing his actions, of doing the right thing.

"I'm not strong enough to defeat the evil in me. I'm a lost cause, I'm a monster," he cried.

"No you're not. I'll be here, I'll give you the strength to fight." I assured him. "I'll always be here."

I held him tightly in my arms as his breathing returned to normal and his tensed muscles relaxed once more. A few tears managed to escape from his eyes and stain my shirt. I had never seen him so vulnerable, so broken.

"Rey?" he hummed.


"I want you to know that I'm sorry for all the suffering I've caused you. I don't want you to blame yourself if I can't be saved," he began.

"Shhhh," I cut him off ,"Don't think like that. You have to stay strong and fight. You can't let fear control you forever."

"I've done bad things Rey. I've killed too many people. I killed younglings.I killed good people who were only protecting loved ones. God dammit I killed my own father for more power. All I want is to be as great as my grandfather, to control an empire just like he did."

I was unsure of how to respond at first, it took me a couple of seconds to recollect myself. "You have to ask for forgiveness. That's the only way you'll ever be able to live with yourself."

"How do I do that?" he asked.

"You start off by being Ben," I answered.

He lightly sighed. I knew this would be challenging for him. He had sunk too deep in evil ways in order to achieve his goals, that he hadn't bothered to realize all the people he hurt on the way. My words brought him no comfort at all. He was too conflicted over his emotions and thoughts.

"I have to go, Snoke is waiting for me," he hurriedly spoke.

Lie. It didn't bother me though, he needed space at the moment. He needed time to figure out what he really wanted.

"Ok, will you stop by later?" I asked.

"I don't know."

Before hearing my response, he was already out the door and far down the hallway. I wouldn't be a bother to him, hopefully with time he'll reach for the Light.

I didn't know what to do with myself, with him gone. He had always given me company in either training or telling tales of the galaxy, but never did he tell one of his family, besides his grandfather. He spoke so highly of him and admired every single decision he had taken to becoming a dark lord, but I couldn't comprehend how you could possibly worship someone you've never even met.

After seeing all my previous memories, I could almost understand why he had so much admiration towards his grandfather. I didn't know what connection I had with Luke, but as watched my memories filled with him a warm fuzzy feeling overcame my body.

Monster (A Reylo FanFic) Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now