Meeting my sister.

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Harry's POV

We walked through the door and I spotted my sister sitting with a dark haired boy. He was tall, and had really manly physique . I saw him a lot in pictures but he was a lot hotter, no homo or the next thing I know will be people shipping me with my sisters boyfriend.

I was so busy in my thoughts that I didn't notice Taylor trying to pull me back, I turned to see her face blank. She was looking at Gemma's table, and her hand grip on mine was so tight, it might be hurting her fingers to hold mine so tightly.

I decided to step back looking at her expressions, I shook our intertwined hands which resulted in her looking at me.

Gemma must be looking here too. What is wrong???

"Baby" I decided to go with just this word that can make her calm in seconds.

"I....I" she couldn't reply, she was scared ?? It wasn't so bad to meet my sister, how was she suppose to meet my mother if she is so nervous now. And then she must have met people before, who must have introduced her to their mothers. Just the thought of her with another person made my mind blast. It was her past, I scolded myself.

"She will love the person I am madly in love with but for that we have to go to her, she won't like us making her wait" I tried my best to make her smile but she didn't.

I leaned in kissed her forehead and then her lips and then forehead again, who won't smile now? She did.

I pulled her towards the table and her grip was tighter than ever, actually loved it.

"Hey, at last" Gemma stood up from her seat and hugged me, I gave half back because of my hand still with Taylor.

"This is him" she blushed while pointing towards him and he got up. I forwarded towards him and Taylor left my hand, I turned to look if she was okay but she was hugging my sister.

It made me smile and imagined getting old with her, while my kids would be excited for the guests to arrive, Taylor would be calling the guests to ask when Gemma was coming. Our kids would call her aunty Gem or Gemi. Whatever. I hugged Gemma's handsome boyfriend who I would be happy to call my kids uncle in future.

"What were you people doing there?? Giving PDA? We were waiting here you know" Gemma said while we were sitting on the chairs.

"I am sorry for that, I just knew I won't get a chance to kiss her again in front of you" I winked at her.

"Taylor I totally forgot, this is Mike, my boyfriend" she introduced and Taylor shook hands with him.

I was sitting with Taylor while Mike and Gemma were across us.

"It's good to finally meet you" I tried to break the silence.

"Same here" he replied, what a jerk !! Can't he continue a conversation.

"Lets give orders" I broke it again.

We all ordered our meals, Gemma and Mike decided to go for spaghetti while Taylor and I decided to go with different ones and share it. I loved how we could do that.

"So how long are you for here?" Gemma finally spoke, thank god someone else wants to kill the silence. Or they will, all have bad impressions, everyone can only know how sweet Taylor is once they actually talk to her.

"I am not really sure, we didnt get a chance to discuss, all I know is that I have to go to Germany next week." She smiled.

"Mum would love to see you" my sister of course.

"I would like to meet her too, you people should visit America"

"But you're here, I am sure Harry would like to show you around our home" she is killing my surprise plans.

"Not now Gemma, did you meet mom Mike?" I tried to shift the conversation.

"Yes she is really lovely, I loved her cooking skills by the way." He complimented.

"Lucky enough to call her my mom" Gemma teased.

"So Taylor what age are you?" Mike asked her.

"22, soon to be 23" she gave a blank answer, I looked and I knew there was something wrong with her.

"Oh when?" Gemma said.

"Day after tomorrow" she replied still with no excitement, I have plans for her birthday that's not what she is sad about. I think she is hurt with the fact I didnt invite her to my home. Of course the way I shifted the topic.

"Any plans Harry?" Mike broke my thoughts and waiter placed our meals infront of us.

"Surprises " I winked.

We all ate silently, which I hated. I wanted the dinner to be more fun and filled with laughs.

"Gemma I will have to make a call. Excuse me" Mike went away for some seconds.

"You do baking right" I asked Gemma and she nodded.

"Me too, I could do it all day" Taylor quickly squealed with excitement.

"Really? We can be best of friends"

"I would love to be your friend Gemma" awwww

"Honestly, before you people started dating, I was a big fan and use to listen to your songs a lot, but then I realised I have to act like a good sister not a big fan in front of you" Gemma admitted. I knew she use to listen to her.

"Aww I am glad you like my music"

"I loved it, if you weren't dating my bro I would have took your autograph but now you're like family" my heart skipped a beat, she called Taylor family. I love my sister.

"Thanks for saying that, that's really sweet of you" Taylor blushed.

"Excuse me too, I will use the rest room" I left and before leaving I of course placed a small kiss at her forehead.

Taylor's POV.

"So now he isn't here, you can tell me how bad my brother is" Gemma joked and I absolutely love her company.

"He isn't bad, you know, he is amazing"

"He is the worst brother then, he use to hit me a lot"

"Haha, he never hit me. Lucky me." I teased.

"He won't, he really likes you. From a really long time, he always talked about you. It's been more than months he never shuts up"

"I didnt know that" I never thought he would discuss me with his family.

"I hope you people stay happy, he is really caring. I never thought you were going to give him a second chance"

"Me too, but he proved us wrong."

"Yes I know he really struggled to get you back. I hope he values it"

"He does"

Seconds later, Mike joined us. They told me how they met at a coffee shop and all about their relation. Harry joined them too and we decided to sit there and talk for another hour about everything. We were laughing, arguing, joking and teasing. Her sister was so kind and sweet and nice.

I was hurt with the fact that Harry doesn't want me to meet his mother, but I like the ending of the day, at least her sister and I can be good friends.

A Harry Styles And Taylor Swift Love story (HAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now