Niall's POV

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Niall's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night or I don't know when, the bus was I guess not moving, are we there already? , I wanted to eat something, I guess I forgot to eat before sleeping because of the mess Harry the great had caused. He was really hard on Taylor, I feel so bad. I decided to get up and see why the bus stopped and of course eat something.

I jumped down, and saw Harry, Zayn, Liam, Louis everyone was sleeping, except the fact that Taylor's bed was empty. What ? Did she left the bus? She could, if I was her I would dump Harry and leave before he knows. He should not have been this rude. I started to walk towards the driver seat to inquire about Taylor.

I found our driver sleeping on the seat and the bus was parked, so of course he got tired and sleepy so decided to make our journey longer, but I don't blame him, I must have been tired too. I kept staring at him until I realised someone was sitting beside him, not actually beside on the step we take to enter the bus, Taylor was sitting, watching outside. She was most probably unaware of the fact that I was there, I wanted to place my hand on her shoulder but she might get scared with that.

"Taylor?" I whispered making sure she doesn't scream.

"Yes?" She quickly turned, her eyes were red but dry. She wasnt crying but she must have the whole time I slept.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" I offered my hand to her to help her get up.

"I wasn't much sleepy, I like seeing outside so I guess I will stay" she refused to get up.

"She has been sitting here since almost two hours, I don't think she noticed us stopping here too" our driver murmured in sleepiest voice.

"Of course I noticed" she argued.

"What are you doing here since two hours?" I asked in shock not concerned with the fact if she noticed stopping or not,she didnt sleep at all?

"Nothing watching outside, give me your hand I think we should let him sleep" she faked a smile and I forwarded my hand to help her get up.

"How much is left?" I asked the driver.

"45 minutes but I will sleep for another half an hour" he informed and I didnt have any issue with it.

I pulled her towards the kitchen and we sat on the table.

"Mind telling me?"

"There's nothing Niall, why are you up?" I can't believe how strong she is to pull out that smile and make sure I don't see how hurt she is. But her eyes are still red, they betrayed her.

"I was hungry, and I won't eat until you share with me and I might die because of my starving" I smiled back.

"Niall it's nothing, eat something"

"You can share you know, I won't let anyone know"

"It's not that, there's no use of sharing what I feel, none of us know what's the reason"

"Maybe I do, I will talk to Harry"

"Don't" she gave me the look that said "don't you dare".

"Taylor I know the reason of his behaviour, let me talk" I begged.

"Tell me the reason then"

"I can't do that" I am not sure if I know it actually.

"Then you are not allowed to sit here and inquire what's wrong with me"

"Okay so I am not sure but most probably he is really scared with the fact that you will leave him" I gave up.

"Why would he think that, I love him Niall" she yelled.

A Harry Styles And Taylor Swift Love story (HAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now