The Jingle Ball

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Harry's POV.

Taylor's kiss woke me up, is there any better way to wake up?

"Where are you going..?" I asked while opening my eyes slightly, she was standing beside the bed, tying her robe.

"I have to get ready and go for rehearsals" she gave me a flying kiss and started to go out.

"Stay" I yelled.

"Harry I am really late, I am sorry" she apologised and left to take bath. I hated when she use to do this, I mean I want her with me every second, I can't sleep when she is not beside me and its so easy for her to go.

I got up and started to brush and wash my face on the kitchen sink. I think I am pissed again, this is not good. Shes gonna leave me if I start screaming every second without any reason, I tried to calm myself down, when she got out.

"When are you guys leaving for rehearsals?" She asked while rubbing her hair with towel.

"We don't rehears, we might be there at 5"

"You don't? I can't sing without rehearsing, well I am leaving now, you can come in ....three hours" she said while looking at the clock.

"Can I come to see you practice?" I want to be with her, before leaving for London, tomorrow I am going and she didn't answer me yet. I mean she has to do booking and stuff.

"Yes you can but its like first hour I will be spending on getting ready and you won't be allowed in there, I am sorry"

"It's fine, its better to come with the boys I guess than"

"I will miss you" she said while giving a small peck on my lips and the knock interrupted us.

"Come in" she yelled and the I happen to believe her driver did come in, she pointed towards her guitar and a small bag, he took them and went again.

"So see you later" I kissed her forehead and she left.

Seconds later I got a text from her.

From: Taylor 

Are you okay by the way? I felt something wrong.

To: Taylor 

Yes just sleepy...

I lied.

I called the lads and they were awake, so I decided to visit them. We were suppose to sing some songs too tonight


"How long till we have to perform?" I asked Louis while getting in from back door. Rest of the boys following us.

"A lot of time, don't worry. You can spend a lot with your girlfriend" Liam walked passed me while winking.

"Whatever" I muttered and followed him.

"Harrry!!" Taylor's voice called me, I looked around but I couldnt find her. 

"Here, up Here" She was standing on the left side top floor. I had no idea how did she go up there. 

"I don't know from where to come down, all the fans are in the stairs" She looked around. so there were stairs.

"Just be careful"

"Can you catch me ?" She jumped in excitment.

"are you kidding me?" 


"I cannot Taylor, find a way" I scolded her. I had to.

"Fine, give me 5 minutes" She turned and disappeared. I looked around to find everyone staring at me, oh we were screaming to each other. 

"Back to work People" I rolled my eyes, and forwarded to 4 boys who I called my friends and were laughing at me. 

"WHAT!!" I yelled after getting near them.

"You people are cute Harold" Liam ruffled my hair.

"Whatever Liam, Shouldnt we rehears?" I asked.

"What has gotten into you?" Zayn laughed.

"I mean everyone does. except us. We should work more hard you know" 

"Lets go eat Hazza, you seem hungry" Niall pulled me.

"Shut up, I will wait here for Taylor you guys eat" I smiled and went to find the invisble stairs.

After about 5 minutes of searching, I still didnt find her but she did.

"I was just coming to you"

"And I was still trying to search for you" I hugged her.

"My performance is like in 10 minutes, after this there is a song then me" She pulled me towards the back stage area, from where I realised she was going to go up on stage, she looked amazing. All ready for her perfomance.

The next song played and we couldnt help but sing a long. Taylor started dancing and I loved her even more this second. I mean who could be so down to Earth and can be themselves while hundreds of people are watching. At least I cant, I moved myself too but couldnt enjoy as much as she did.

Soon the song was going to end so she kissed my lips and left while dancing to the song. I started dancing too but it ended, now I went to stand at a position so I could see her peform her single "We are never ever getting back together". Oh there was more than one song, she performed with BOB too.

She looked more than happy doing what she love and I looked more than happy seeing her perform.......

I didnt know how much I stared at her until I realised the song was no more playing. She was smiling at the audience the best smile ever, she turned and started walking towards me, the first thing she did was hug me and we started to walk again to back area again.

"We are up in 5 minutes Harry, where are you" Paul screamed at me as soon as he saw me.

He didnt give me the chance to look at Taylor and dragged me to our room where I had to get ready for performance, everyone else already was.

We performed and the show ended, I enjoyed to the hell, this was like so amazing to me to perform where Taylor did. I wish I could take her to every show she has to perform and she could stand the way she did while I do mine.  Perfect couple.

"After Party time" Niall screamed as we all ran towards the little stage.

"Slow down" Taylor laughed as I was pulling her while running.

I stopped in the middle of the stage, many people surrounding us. I bow downed a little and said.

"Can I have this dance?" 

(A/N Sorry for late update, I was busy, and the next chapter is about dirty dancing ;) So please vote and comment pleaseeeeee )

A Harry Styles And Taylor Swift Love story (HAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now