In love or no?

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Harry's POV.

"So yea that's how we broke up" I told them exactly what happened when she walked into the room.

"This is called a fight" Liam said.

"Exactly what I was thinking, this isn't a break up, just a fight Harry" Zayn supported Liam.

"He is new to everything guys, he doesn't know the difference still" Louis joined them.

"This isn't helping me by the way " I crossed my arms while sitting on the sofa, Niall and Liam on my each side, and Zayn and Louis on chairs right in front of us.

"Now tell us your side of the story" Niall said while eating the popcorn. Everyone gave him the exact same look as I did, the look was "what did I just tell" I just finished telling the whole story.

"What!! I mean he just told what happened, he didn't tell us why it happened, we all know Tay asked her to promise not to wake her up in a jokingly way you know-...."

"Exactly, now I understand our Niall knows stuff too, so Harry why did you want to kiss so bad and you got this serious" Zayn interrupted and supported Niall.

"We can clearly say it was allllllll your fault" Liam placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You're right it's my fault I over reacted" I admitted, being guilty my eyes on my shoes...

"But why did you!!" Louis said in a girly voice making everyone else chuckle except me.

"I think I am falling for her....."

They all started cheering and whooping.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yelled making them all stop. They still had smile on their lips which they tried to hide, they leaned in closer to listen to my confessions.

"I mean I am depending on her, at that time I wanted to leave for the hotel but I wanted to take her to bedroom too, so bad, I wanted to kiss her. I couldn't stop staring, and this is killing me I have never loved someone before I am sure I never did all that was attractions, this is wayyyyy more than that . All I think about is her, how will I spend the tour man, I don't like this all, getting hurt missing people getting cared everything I don't need so much feelings" I finished my long speech, well I could go on for an hour, but their expressions told me it was enough for them to help me out.

"I think you love her" Niall jumped.

"Shut up, don't make him think about love so soon it's too early" Liam scolded.

"I know right" I agreed.

"What do you exactly feel?" Zayn grabbed my knee.

"Well the first day when I went out it was perfect with Lux, I saw so many pictures and couldn't help and think about future she carrying my baby you know..... And than the hate made me think this isn't good, I made her ignore everything but I myself can't, I go through every tweet about her and that makes me think we shouldn't be together it might hurt her a lot if she checks her mentions once. But then I get all mean that I will get hurt if we break up you know, that's what annoying !! I have extra feelings I don't want these, at least not at the moment with so much pressure with management and tour and fans, and when I don't even know what she feels, what if she still misses that politic guy!"

"You're in love Harry" Louis screamed.

"I think that too" rest all four of us said at the same time, laughing.


Taylor's POV.

I spent more than half the day at studio and now it's almost 9:15 pm when I was sitting with Emma, I saw her after a long time. I was in her room having coffee. I told her every bit of my relation with Harry, I mean each and every text, kiss nights everything.

She told me he was young and that's the reason he acted this way, but I decided not to take the first move even after Emma insisting. She was telling me about her recent shopping and was showing me dresses when my mobile vibrated, I wished it was Harry, and it was.

From: Harry

What time will you be back?

It shocked me, he is planning to come tonight too, Emma left me to hang back her dresses.

To: Harry

Umm, if you want I can leave for hotel now?

From: Harry

I don't want to come between your friends and you, but I miss you. If it's alright try to reach soon...

It made me blush, he was missing me, I couldn't help but run and show Emma the message, she smiled and I hugged her.


On my way :)

"I am so sorry Em" I apologized before leaving but I was actually gonna go before he messaged me.

"See you soon, enjoy the night" she winked while closing the door.

I was nervous to get back to hotel, why is he coming without even making up after the fight, maybe he wants to clear things out and break up but then he said he misses me, with thousand things running in my mind I reach the hotel, with flashes of course from every side, I wanted to know what they were going to write or were writing from so many days but I promise Harry I won't.


Harry's POV

I made my way through the fans and flashes by papz to inside the hotel, guards help me through it, it happened fourth time, because It's my fourth night with her.

I walked in the elevator, nervous what will I explain.

I knocked the door, and it opened immediately.

"Hey " I smiled while getting in.

"I missed you, I am sorry for what i did" she apologized! She didn't do anything it was all me.

"Oh emm gee taylor I was the wrong one, I am sorry. I missed you more baby" I leaned in and started to kiss.

"I think I want to talk first" she pulled away after a few seconds, her words made my heart stop.

"About what?" I asked, scared.

"This, I mean our relation"

Was she breaking up with me!! No it cannot happen.

(A/n I will really appreciate if you comment and vote , tell me if you need any improvements :)

A Harry Styles And Taylor Swift Love story (HAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now