The start of my famous life

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Dear Diary,

This week has been the best I can't believe what happened I never thought that I could make it happen but look at me now!

signed Sky.

I guess I'll start from the beging, it all start on a monday morning in music class I tend to have a good group of friends at least I thought I did.

"Ok ok settle down now I know it's a Monday and you are all tired but I have some good news" Everyone including me were excited "we will be doing some singing work, you will all get into groups or work on your own you will write your own songs and preform them" of course on of my friends has to butt in trust me i'm nothing like her "so what your trying to say is we will be doing what we always do" yep she is really mean if we were in a wolf pack she would be the leader well shes the leader of our group people call us 'so highschool girls' it really stands for ' stars of highscool girls' I didn't pick it.

"no jade what im trying to say is detention" the class roared with laughter until they got a very stern look from jade and thats when they shut their mouths "anyway class this is inportant because you will be prefoming infront of Anegilo Kenny he is a running a compition he will pick one group or solo artist from our school to go to the compition the winners will get a record deal sign your name down if you dont want to do it then the girls who do want to follow me"

jade looked at me and my friends "this is great! we have a shot im amazing at singing, bella can play piano, jessie can play the guitar and samantha can play the drums!" I looked at her shocked "what about me" I asked "um well we don't need you so bye" still shocked I said "what so just like that you drop me you b......" I was going to say something rude but luckily i was interupted by jessie "don't worry i be with you i dont wanna hang round with people like that" we stormed out of the room.

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