Chapter 12

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"Damnit!" I schreeched as I saw Bae being knocked into the water by the Lynx. I can't belive this. How could I have let this happen? I was supposed to protect her! That's my job! 

"Derek! Snap out of it man!" Declan shook me, and I looked up at him. I didn't realize that I had fallen to my knees, but apperantly I had. "Derek, what we need to do now, is focus on finding her. Not freaking out. We have to find her. I can't see her anymore. You need to snap out of it and help me look for her. Can you do that?"

I nodded. Look. I can do that. Find Bae. I will do that. Where could she possibly be? I mean, the only place the lynx could have taken her was into the water.. The water! Before I even had a second to think about what I was doing, I kicked off my shoes and tugged off my shirt. I dove. 

"Damnit Derek!" I heard Declan yell, just before I slid into the icy cold water. I didn't hit the bottom, which I'm lucky. I could have gotten seriously hurt, but I would chose that any day just so that I could save Bae. Bae. She is my only thought as I push up through the water and go above surface. I take a breath, push the hair out of my eyes, and start looking around. I'm not sure where she could be. Somewhere on shore, or somewhere under water. 

"Decklan, do you see her anywhere? Did you see any disturbances in the water besides where I jumped?" I shouted up to him, but he was staring over at a rock ledge, I looked over and I saw her. There was Bae with a lynx standing over the top of her, about to lock it's jaws around her throat. No. I wouldn't let that happen. I started to make my way over to the cat, being as silent as I could in the water. It didn't see me approaching, which is good. It's female, which means if she's taking humans, she's either sick, starving or has cubs to feed. If she has cubs to feed, and she smelled us, well that wouldin't be good. 

I continue to walk over to her, and start to growl. She looks up to me, and I see the challenge in her eyes. It immediatly triggers the alpha male in me. I stand my ground and stare right back. We both start growling, and I walk forward. She doesn't know what to do. I keep walking forward, and finally she starts stepping back. I corner her untill she has no place to run but into the woods. As shoon as she's gone, I walk over to Bae and pick her up. Man, she's light. I can't belive how little she weighs. I shake my head, and shout up to Declan.

"Can you see anywhere that I could walk up with her? A trail maybe?" I start looking around, but I can't see any.

"There!" Declan says, point to a lttle trail that goes up and through a cave behind a waterfall. Way to go Declan. I start walking towards the cave, and go into it. There was a bed and a couch and even a bathroom. Like someone's own personal hide out. I wonder who's it was. I keep walking and, it seems that there was a built in staircase that lead up through the rocky cavern. There was a second story to this person's hide out, and it even had a kitchen. I kept going, and finally made my way out, through some stairs that lead up to a trap door that opened onto the top of the rocky outcrop.

"Declan, come over here! I found a place for us to sleep tonight!" I said, waving him over. It was dark and cold and Bae was unconscious. There wasn't much else we could do but wait, so might as well stay somewhere that actually had beds and a bathroom. Declan came over, and I started to show him around the cavern.

"Really, two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom? Who in the hell made this place? Right under a water fall? Man. This is nice. Worthy of the show My Crib. Don't you think?" he asked me, laughing.

"Sure is." I said, nudging him towards the bedroom on the bottom floor. "You stay here. I'm going to take the blankets from the living room and sleep on the floor of Bae's room. Just so she's not alone when she wakes up." I told him. 

"You sure bro? These floors can't be comfy." He said, looking at me with a strange look. 

"Yeah. I think there's a chair in there, I don't know, I could sleep on that instead." I told him.

"Okay, so what are we gonna do in the meanwhile?" He asked me. 

"We'll just have to wait I guess." I said, and he nodded. With that, I turned to head upstairs. I shut the door once I got into the room, and I heard Bae stirring on the bed. I walked over to her, and reached for her hand.

"Derek?" she said.

"I'm here Bae Bae." I told her, and she pulled my hand to her, cuddling with it. 

"Stay with me." She said, and just before I saw her eyes close, whispered to her,

"Always." I kissed her on the forehead, and fell asleep right next to her. The only thought I had before I fell asleep, was, the way that she looked at me. I couldn't get the image out of my head, and as she was every other night since the day that I met her, she was in my dreams.



So he's going to sleep on the floor, or a nonexistent chair in the room. I mused to myself, like that's going to happen. I bet if I walked upstairs right now, he'd be on the bed with her. I shook my head, gut wrenching in the thought. Derek has no idea how I feel about her, and yet, he continues to take her away and flaunt their feelings for each other in front of me. Or his feelings for her, I hope. No, I don't hope that. I want Derek to be happy, Bae too. But I also want me to be happy too. Is that too much to ask? I hope not.

I continued walking until I made it into the second bedroom, laying on the bed until I was almost asleep. My last conscious thought was, that I prayed Derek would be awake before me in the morning. I couldn't bear to find the two of them together in bed. And with that, I drifted to sleep, with nightmares about Derek and Bae, where I only seemed to be the hero at first, but truly it was Derek who swept her off of her feet. 

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