Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

We head into the forest, and start heading downhill. Declan says that all water goes downhill, no matter where you’re at. I remember this from an old lesson, when I was at boot camp. They were teaching us some survival skills. My aunt sent me there, about three years ago after she caught me doing drugs and drinking. When she again, sent me away after one little sign of trouble.

“We’re going North first.”

Derek says.

“Why North?”

I ask, even though I already know the answer. It’s like my instructor always told me at camp,

“If you ever get lost, go North. Don’t ask why. You just always go North.”

And that was that. Don’t ask why, just always head North. I really hope Derek’s right on this. They say to head North, because that’s normally where you’re most likely to find a road or a town. But, we’re in the middle of nowhere. On an island.

“Because the Ocean’s North from the forest. So, I expect that the streams will be in the direction of the Ocean.”

Derek says, scowling, as though it’s obvious. Declan and I both laugh, at his scowl, and it makes his scowl even more serious. I think it’s funny, how he only seems to have three facial expressions. He has his scowl, his adorable half smile, and then there’s that blazing smile that gets me all the way down to my toes.

“Oh shut it.”

He says to us, he even glared at Declan and I. Although, he held his glare on me longer. There it is again, one of his little mood swings. I don’t get how he can be so great, and then so…not so great.

“Hey Decky, does being a werewolf cause mood swings?”

I ask, with a wink at him. I can’t believe I just called him, Decky. I thought that I wasn’t going to do that… Oh well, at least I got a smile out of him. Even if I did get another glare from Derek.

“You know Vick, mood swings aren’t part of our symptoms. That’s just full blown Derek charm. And his nerdy self.”

Declan winked back at me. I giggled, and looked at Derek. That was a mistake. His scowl got even more intense. He whispers,


And shoulders past me, going in front of Declan and I. I give Declan a worried glance, and he just shakes his head. I guess I should just leave it. I feel bad, it’s not like I was trying to make him upset. I was just teasing. But of course, I run my mouth and screw things up like I always do. At least I’m used to it by now.

We spend the first hour just walking in the general direction of north, before we see a little brook, right underneath a tall oak tree, in the middle of a clearing. The clearing looks perfect. Almost like a safe haven, in sorts. I swear I’ve been here before. And that’s when I remember…

I was here with Declan, Derek, their Uncle Ricky, and Mom. We’re all sitting underneath the oak tree on a red and white quilt, there was even a basket. That’s when I realized, that we were all having a picnic. I looked at the younger me, and saw that I still was wearing Derek’s ring. I was sitting on his lap, with Declan right next to us. I was wearing a little red flowered sundress, with white sandals. My hair looked exactly the same. Declan had on khaki’s and a green shirt. Derek had a black and blue flannel shirt on, with some faded blue jeans. It’s funny how their style hasn’t changed a bit.

“Bae Bae, come here, would you?”

My mother asks me in a sweet voice, with a bright smile on her face. I run over to her. She opens her arms, and I jump into them. I look over at Declan and Derek, they’re pouting. Their Uncle Ricky is laughing at them. I laughed too, before returning my attention back to my mother.

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