Maria Marijuana!

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June 3rd I had to get a new job, substitute teaching, as it turned out, didn't pay in the summer. So, I got a job as a ranger for that Boy Scout Camp Delilah worked at. She and I however, were at equal rank, and we had moved into a cabin nearby for time's sake. It had two bedrooms, which meant Delilah and I could each have our own rooms, however it only had one bathroom. I still hadn't spoken to Jules, and maybe that was for the best, Delilah and I became closer. That is until June 10th. That's when everything started to go to shit, again. "Hey Henry?" Asked Delilah from the living room. "I um, maybe- alright uh, you should sit down." I rose by brow, but sat down nevertheless. "What is it, D?" I asked, leaning back into the couch. "Uh... Well, Julia's parents sent you a letter." I froze, looking up at her in shock. "Her mom says that she's having Julia file for divorce... Apparently someone sent her family tapes of that um... Conversation we had after we named the June fire." Said Delilah. I stood, fists clenched and walked into the kitchen, taking a bottle of tequila out of the cabinet. "Fuck." I said. "Yeah." She replied. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her sit down in the same spot I had been before. "I bet it was Ned fucking Goodwin. I bet he's getting payback for us telling the cops about Brian." I said, slamming the bottle back onto the counter. "You're probably right... But I shouldn't have said what I said after the June fire... I was drunk, I really should've just left you alone." She said, sounding disappointed in herself. "Don't." I said, bringing the bottle over to her. "Like you said, we fucked up, but things happen for a reason right? Javier did what he did for a reason, Julia and I are getting a fucking divorce for a reason..." I paused, sitting with her. "My point is, I don't blame you." I said, but since I had given her the bottle she hadn't taken a sip. "Come on Hank, let's get you out to a bar. Maybe the same one where you met Julia, closure and all..." She suggested. And, to be honest, it wasn't a bad idea. "Yeah...Yeah... Full circle. Let's go."

And so she drove me to the same bar where I had met Julia, where coincidentally, Julia's old nurse Daniel seemed to be getting as wasted as I hoped to be. "Daniel! Hey man, how've you been?" I asked, and it took him a moment, but eventually he realized who I was. "Heyyyy!" He replied, his voice giving away exactly how drunk he actually was. "How've you and uh- Jule- Julia? How've you and Julia been?" He asked, leaning forward. I looked to my left, Delilah was smiling, but it wasn't because she was entertained or happy to be there, it was a polite smile that said 'Hank, get me the fuck away.' I turned back to Daniel. "Uh, well you know, shit happens." I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I think you should go home man, you're really wasted, wouldn't want you to get in a crash or something, you know," I said and he nodded, getting up and waving as he stumbled out. "Daniel seems like a rather charming individual, how'd he know you and Julia?" She asked, ordering me a beer. "Well," I said with a pause, shifting my body to face her. "He used to help me take care of her, suggested I put her in a home. To be honest I sort of blamed him for her family taking her back to Melbourne." I replied as I took a swig of the beer Delilah had ordered me. Delilah's polite smile shifted into one of sadness and pity. "Don't worry about it D, I'm gonna get hammered and forget about all my worries." I said as she rolled her eyes again. "I am your designated driver, Hank, so drink away." She said, and I raised my bottle. For hours we sat and laughed, and I drank while Delilah told me about her family. "So then, she ate a fucking prune, on stage, after being voted prom queen!" Delilah said with a laughed. I laughed too, probably longer than her considering my drunkenness, but never the less it was a great story. "What's your sister's name?" I asked, resting my elbow on my knee and my head on my hand. Delilah chuckled softly. "Well I have two, that one I told you about back in Santa Fe, and the one who purely functions on marijuana, the one who lives in Santa Fe, her name is Nancy and the other is Maria." She said, standing up, "Come on, we have work tomorrow." She said, extending her hand so I wouldn't fall. "I'm fine, our 'job' is sitting in our offices and radioing each other about the dumb Boy Scout leaders." Delilah rolled her eyes. "And you can't talk about how dumb they're being if your being dumb and hungover." She said, still holding her hand out. I rolled my eyes and shifted my body to see the man behind the bar. "Frank?" I asked, laughing as I noticed my friend behind the bar. Delilah, obviously annoyed, sat back down and took a sip of the water she had ordered earlier. "Hey man, you really should listen to your friend here." Said Frank. I leaned against the back of the barstool. "What the fuck guys? Why can't I just sit here, and laugh about the fact Delilah has a sister named Maria who smokes marijuana on the daily? Maria marijuana!" I said and began laughing again before Delilah had enough, pulling me off my stool and dragging me all the way to the car. I fell asleep halfway home, and woke up to Delilah trying to pull me out of the car. Begrudgingly, I got out.

[A:N] I just wanted to say thanks for all of the wonderful comments and votes, this chapter was mostly a filler with a bit of plot but mostly background information. I plan on making plot based progress next chapter, please let me know what you think of this chapter, drunk Henry and the seriousness of their conversations.

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