How it Started

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I sat on the floor next to my second orphan friend Carla, the first is named Frisk. Frisk and I are very good friends, but he got adopted a while ago and gave me one of his favorite sweatshirts-a blue one with two purple stripes in the middle of the stomach area, plus on the arms-as a gift goodbye.

Carla saw the look of sadness on my face at that moment and tried to cheer me up.

"Do you wanna play Truth or Dare y/n?" She asked.

I looked at her and smiled a little. She knew I kind of liked Truth or Dare, but some of her dares can go a little to far-depending on her mood.

"Sure. I'm going first." I replied.

Carla smiled then nodded to let me know I could start.

"Ok, truth or dare?" I asked her.


"Alright..." I thought while looking around. I then saw a boy and turned back to her.

"Who's your crush?" I asked with a devilish smirk.

Carla gained a blush on her face from my question. "Why do you ask?"

"I don't know." I said with a shrug. "That's what came to my mind." I then leaned closer to her. "Now spill."

"No." Carla replied.

"You have to! Its the rules!"

Carla seemed to get a little mad. "Truth or Dare?" She asked me.

"What! You still haven't answered MY question."

"I'll answer your question when you chose Truth or Dare."

I huffed. "Fine, dare." I replied, feeling a little adventurous.

Carla gained a devilish smile like I did earlier, but hers was more...evil. Like she wanted me to pick it.

"I dare you," she started.

"To go climb Mt Ebott and come back in a day."


"What!" I said.

Recently, kids have been climbing a mountain near our little town. The mountain's called Mt Ebott. The kids have all gone missing.

There have been searches for the longest time looking for those kids. Nobody's found them. Everyone's to scared to go missing themselves if they climb Mt Ebott.

I couldn't believe Carla dared me to-pretty much-go missing.

"What!? No!"

"You have to." She said, slowly and sort of evil-like.

"It's the rules." She has taken my words and used them against me.

"I don't care anymore!" I was kind of yelling now, but nobody payed any attention. "Your just asking me to get killed!"

"Rules are rules." Carla replied. "Now go pack."

I got mad, but then again, maybe everyone WASN'T missing because they went up Mt Ebott. Maybe they stayed up their to long and forgot their way home? It was a possibility.

Anyways, I went up the two flights of stairs and arrived at my room. I grabbed a yellow backpack and filled it with some snacks I had kept in my room, waters as well and some rope-that I had for whatever reason.

I came back downstairs and saw Carla waiting for me.

"You ready?" She said in her evil voice that she was using earlier. I nodded, scared of this new side she never showed me and we left for the base of the mountain.


It took us about an hour but we finally arives at the big mountain near the boarder of our town, the dreaded Mt Ebott.

I turned to look at Carla who waved her hand at me as if to say "shoo".

I was offended by this action since Carla was usually the nicest person ever.

I breathed in and started climbing.


I reached a pretty high hight, when there was a flat little area with a cave. I looked up at the sky and saw it was about noon, since I didn't remember to bring a watch. I walked into the cave and looked around. Maybe this is a shortcut back to the bottom of the mountain, I thought, cause I really wanted to get back to the orphanage, honestly. They treated me nicely there, and I liked it.

There was a big opening once I made my way into it. I started to walk a little farther into the open area when I felt something wrap around my ankle. I tried to stop, but it was to late.

I started to fall down the opening and I started screaming. Nobody would've heard me though, I was to high up for even Carla to hear me.

I kept falling and I quickly saw a small patch of yellow flowers in the pillar of light I was falling down.

I landed face first in the flowers and blacked out from the impact.


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