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I continued to sit down in the snow, looking at the door, hoping that Toriel was joking with me and that she would open the door. I looked at my hand to see how bad it was. The whole palm was a light pink with a little red in it, possibly a first degree burn. It started to hirt, so I decided to stick my hand in the snow. It felt better, but not completely healed.

I finally decided to do what Toriel had instructed me to do; go find this skeleton guy and his older brother and stay with them.

I got up and started walking down the path that had been sitting behind me the whole time I was begging Toriel to open the door.

There were a lot of trees around the path, all of them leafless. It was quite eerie and it made me uncomfortable.


I whipped behind to see what made that noise, but nothing was there.

I was getting even more scared than I was before when Toriel pushed me lightly out the door.


I started to run.

I soon arrived at a sort of barrier over a bridge. I'm trapped with whatever that thing is! I thought in a panic.

I tried to move the long brown pieces of wood, but they wouldn't budge.

Snap snap snap

"Please move, please, please, please!" I whispered to the wood, for some reason.

The snaps were getting Lowder and closer, I started to get on my knees to see if I could crawl under the woods, but I couldn't.

The snapping then stopped. I was scared to turn around, but I did and I saw a dark shadow, maybe a little taller than me when I stand up.

"hey," it said, in a kind of deep ish voice. I didn't move.

"is this how you greet a new pal?"

I looked again at the shadow. It had a hand outstretched. I was confused, but grabbed the hand anyways. I then heard a noise that sounded like someone farted.

"ha ha," the shadow said, "the old woopie cushion in the hand. classic."

I let go of the things hand to see a pink woopie cushion in its hand.

Gosh, this is the second time I've been close to death, I thought, happy to be alive.

"the names sans." It said, "and you are?"

"Y/n." I replied.

"y/n?" Sans asked me. "were you sent here from toriel?" I nodded.

"ok, just making sure before i walk off with the wrong person." Sans then smiled and I smiled back.

I stood up and felt a little pain in my left hand.

"Ow," I said.

"what's up, kid?" Sans asked, looking a little worried.

"Oh, I just met this flower when I first arrived and it burned me."

Sans huffed. "classic flowey. how bad is it?"

I held out my hand to him and he looked at it. Sans didn't touch my palm, cause I thought he could see the red/pink on my hand and didn't want to hurt me.

"yeah, it's kind of bad, but he could've done worse. how did you make it out?"

"Toriel..." I stopped talking, feeling some tears roll down my face.

Sans looked like he didn't know what to do.

"hey kid, don't worry. toriel told me what happened earlier and she seems like a wreck. she's super sorry she had to throw you out, but she told me to tell you that she'll see you soon."

I smiled up at Sans. "I just miss her." I then shivered.

"you alright kid?"

"Just cold. I've been sitting in front of that door, for who knows how long, in only this." I gestured toward my outfit I was wearing.

"well, let's head to my place. that should warm you up."

I nodded and let Sans lead the way.

"by the way, you may run into my bro, papyrus. don't worry though, he may speak of the royal guard, but he wouldn't hurt a fly."

I smiled at this Papyrus man. He sounded like a good man. I was kind of excited to meet him.

I still missed Toriel, but I now know that's she's only protecting me.

But from what?


I don't care if this isn't like the game, don't like, don't read. It's a fanfiction for Petes sake!

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