part six.

44 10 2

2-15-16.   3:47pm.

my soon to be lover,

it kills me that i am hurting you.
it kills me that we will never be what we want to be.
who could know that on your first day of senior year you would meet the boy with the galaxy hair.
or the boy with dark brown eyes.
you chose me.
through everything i put you through, you chose me.
i can't be with you,
that kills me so much,
because i love you so much.
would you even love me anymore.
your bright hazel eyes that light up my world,
your smile that could cure disease,
and i am nothing compare to you darling,
i am in love with you.

-i am so sorry it has to be this way baby,
I'll make it up to you


(A.n. Ha lol okay that was the worst chapter I've ever wrote but anyways I hope this story is decent honesty, I hope you're enjoying it, thank you so much.❤️)

romantic poetry//Lashton.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt