part thirty one.

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5-1-16. 9:00pm.

dear luke,
if you could ask someone who doesn't look at the world the way i do, and you told them to describe me in one word.
what do you think they would say.
would they say cool, annoying, awesome, etc.
but why though,
why is everything people say now so boring.
if you were to ask me to describe you, you know what i would say,
i would say you're nostalgic.
when i look at you, i go back to when i was seven.
i go back to a day in august with my mom.
i go back to mom and i looking at the stars and seeing galaxies.
galaxies that if i were to describe how much you mean to me, every star in that galaxy could not add up.

if you were to ask me to describe you in one word i would say pretentious.
most people use this word as an insult.
i don't see anything wrong with it.
when i look at you i think back to three years ago at my first meet and greet with my favorite author.
she signed my book, looked me in the eyes and told me i could change the world if i put in the work.
when i change the world i want everyone to know.
to me you are pretentious because you've changed my world.
i really hope you're proud.


(A.n. So I haven't updated in a while because of sickness :(. But I got this idea about a second before I made this, and something about this makes me really happy. If you're reading this I'm almost done with school meaning there's a lot of updating to come. Thank you all for being here, and existing thank you so much, I love you.❤️)

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