Anger, Worry then Joy and Protection

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Jade's First Pov

Jade's first thoughts were to train then Speak to Ward after all they had a little moment after her medical release,she feared she blurred the lines with her S.O "okay Jade you got this.. you got this" she spoke to herself but then she heard orders from coulson for a debriefing so normally she searched for ward "What are you doing we were supposed to see coulson.. Two.. Minutes.. Ago" she spoke in pauses because she saw him doing the salmon ladder like Oliver did then she mumbled "Oh God I have a type" 

Ward's first Pov

Ward had no clue why Shield placed these salmon ladders in the training zone but the least He could do was try them out and he did without a shirt on he was nearly on the top when Jade arrived 'did she just check me out?' he thought to himself before speaking "Coulson had them in thought I'd try them out" but the brunette responded

- I'm sorry I can't hear what you're saying while you do.. That. 

he could swear he saw her chuckling in her pause, he enjoyed that sight given she rarely even smiled, and afterwards he joined jade to the debriefing

Jade's Pov

All team was gathered for the intel that agent coulson was about to bring, she'd just listen at first but when she saw the picture of the leader of the league of assassins she couldn't help herself and punched the desk getting coulson's attention 

-Jade what's wrong? 

He asked and she gave a quick response 

"That's the man who killed Oliver Queen.. And his name is Ra's Al Ghul"

Ward's Pov

'The leader of the league of assassins killed him?!.. What was it about him that caused such thing to happen?' He asked himself that and remembered the rumors that Ra's doesn't just kills his target,he kills every person close to him and at the memory of that for the first time in a long time he felt.. Fear 'Jade can be at risk.. I can't let anything happen to her' once he thought that he made it his personal goal.. Protect her at any cost but his fear increased once Jade spoke 

Jade's Pov 

"I have to go back to starling" she spoke 

-It's a dangerous move Jade. Coulson spoke and Ward continued 

-This man is surely a threat and you could be his next target,we can't let that happen 

But she was stubborn just like her fiancé "If he comes let him come you'll have my back right?" The team nodded but Ward's the first to do so. After she went to the apartment she and Oliver once shared it wasn't long enough before a man appears on her sight and also her team's

-Do you know who I am child? 

The man asked and she responded "You're the demon" then he clarified 

-I'm the demon's head, and I'm here to give you a message.. Soon you shall have an honor that you cannot imagine 

Before he could ever speak what honor he vanished aware Grant Ward would show. 

Ward's Pov

He hoped to stop Ra's without killing but he was already gone so he went to Jade "are you alright? Did he do anything to you?" she quickly responded then Coulson suggested he stayed with her in the city until the next day he quickly agreed to it before the rest of the team did research on the league and turned off the comms, for now it was just the two of them until she suggested to go to a club called The Verdant for a cool off and he surely accepted 

Jade's Final Pov

The Verdant was Thea's club now and she was Oliver's sister so it was like family circle and besides her own sister Sara worked as a bartender. After getting both drinks and emptying their glasses she spoke "So you're just gonna stand still?" he replied after looking at her 

-So you want me to do what? Grab some girl throw her over my shoulder and take her to the dance floor? 

"Have fun Ward! We deserve it after that moment, just have fun "


After that he just did his own suggestion on his pupil and she laughed "Hey I didn't mean me!"

Ward's Final Pov

She laughed at his act,and that made him laugh as they danced he saw something in her eyes.. A soft spark of joy,something she haven't felt in a while and also saw that deep down she was a good person who didn't deserve to feel the pain of loss like she did,and she also didn't deserve death and whatever 'honor' that man wanted to give her all those things he saw gave him certain of one thing.. She needed protection and he'd do his best to give her that 

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